Chapter Six

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It was almost a half hour before they decided to call Edd. And in a matter of minutes, Matt and Edd rolled up in Edd's car. Tom and Tord got into the back, curling up, their arms still wrapped around their stomach.

“Are you okay Torm?” Edd asked.

“Yeah, we're okay.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”


“Okay, well if you do, just know that I will listen.”

“Thank you Edd.”

“You're welcome.”

The rest of the drive was in silence, and Tom appreciated it. It allowed him time to think. He wished that they hadn't seen that side of him, and hoped that they didn't judge him for it. But knowing Matt and Edd, Tom understood that neither one would ever treat him differently than they did now. Sometimes he wondered how he could have ever have gotten such great friends. Other times his self doubt stepped forward and his thoughts consist of how he didn't deserve them. He was more worried about Tord however. They we're not friends, and Tom didn't know what to expect from him. He just hoped that he didn't make him feel worse than he already did.

When they arrived home, Edd immediately started cooking lunch. As it turned out, Edd and Matt had witnessed Tom's break down, and after he left, they had paid for all the food. He had to remember to pay them back at some point.

Once lunch was done they all sat down at the table together, and ate in silence once more. Tom was thankful of them for not pushing him to talk, but he knew that he would have to eventually.

As it turned out, that was sooner rather than later. Directly after lunch, Tord suggested that they got outside for a quick smoke. And although Tom didn't smoke, he understood that both of them were struggling and if cigarettes was Tord's way of coping, Tom wasn't going to stop him.

Which is how Tom found himself outside, sitting on the porch, with a lit cigarette between his lips. It was very strange. His taste buds must have adapted to Tord's because for some reason he wasn't as repulsed by the thick grey smoke that was hitting his tongue and filling his lungs.



“What happened back there?”

Tom let out a loud sigh, “I freaked out.”

“Over what?”

“Everyone was looking at us.”

“So what,” Tord said, blowing out another puff of smoke. “Just ignore them.”

“I can't, I'm not like you.”

“You don't have to be.”

Tom knew he was right, and maybe that's why he said what he said next.

“I was bullied as a kid,” he started. “They made fun of me because I'm different.”

“I never grew out of the fear of not being accepted, and today, when I saw everyone looking at me like some sort of-”



“They see your appearance, and base everything about you around those features.”

“And after awhile you started to believe them.”

“So, are you?” he asked.


“Are you a monster?”

“Yes. It's hidden deep inside, but it's building, and soon it will escape, and I fear that I won't be able to stop it.”

“You're afraid of hurting those who are close to you.”


“Me too.”

Tom laughed.

“Look at us, we're just a bunch of over agitated idiots.”

“Speak for yourself, I'm a genius.”

Tom laughed again.

“God it's nice to talk to someone who understands, even if it is you.”

“Yeah, it is.”

That night as Tom lied in his bed, he felt at ease. Although he didn't understand completely, he felt like Tord and his relationship had changed. They went from complete enemies, to somewhat of a friendship, although he would quite call it that yet. It was very strange. Somehow they had made a bond, how, he couldn't say, but he liked it. Tord was much more funny when he wasn't insulting him.

“Goodnight Tom,” Tord whispered.

Tom smiled, “Goodnight Tord.”

They turned on Tom's side, and Tord wrapped his arm around their stomach. And Tom would be lying if he said he didn't like the warm cozy feeling that came with it.

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