Chapter Eleven

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Tord awoke with a startled gasp, violently flinging his body into a sitting position. He wasn't as confused when he realized that he was in Tom's room, however, he was by the fact that he didn't remember how he got there. Letting out a loud sigh, Tord ran his fingers through his hair, something he often did when under stress. He froze. He had just moved his right arm.

“Holy shit!” he cried.

He jumped out of bed, tripping over the sheets and landing directly on his face.


Getting back on his feet, Tord walked over to the mirror and watched as a bright grin spreading over his face. That's right, his face. Not ours, or Tom's. His. Tord almost cried in relief. He couldn't wait to tell Tom.

He raced out of the room and into the living room.

“Tom! Tom! We're back to normal!” he all but shouted.

He ran up the stairs, and down the hallway. It felt so strange being able to control every part of his body, but god did it feel good to run again without worrying whether or not he was about to fall on his ass. He checked Edd's room first, and then Matt's, next the bathroom, and then some sort of trophy room, and the attic, and last but not least all the closets, but Tom was nowhere to be found. Tord didn't allow himself to get worried, he told himself that Tom had just left for the store or something, and that he would be home soon. Seconds turn to minutes, and then hours. One became two, then three, and four. By the sixth hour, Tord was at the edge of the couch, watching the door intently. If Tom didn't walk through that door within the next few seconds, Tord was sure he was going to do something drastic.

The door knob jiggled at that very second, and Tord jumped out of his seat. His head spun towards the front door, in hopes of seeing the familiar light brown spikey hair and black eyes, but was met with Matt and Edd's confused faces.

“Tord?” Edd cried. “You're back to normal!”

“Yeah, I guess the chemicals wore off.”

“You mean the magical potion,” Matt said.

“You know what, sure.”

“What are you doing on the floor, Tord? Edd asked him, placing the grocery bags in his hands on the counter.

“Uh, nothing,” he replied, getting back on the couch and pretended to brush the dirt off, “Where's Tom?”

Edd and Matt shared a quick place at each other, then turned back to him.

“What do you mean, we haven't seen him since you guys were still Torm.”

It was as if someone had just dumped a huge bucket of freezing water on top of his head.


“We haven't seen him since before we left,” Edd explained looking worried. “Did something happen?”

“We had an argument,” he admitted, trying not to look either of them in the eye. “I said some things I shouldn't have.”

“Oh no, what did you say?”

“That I wished he would disappear.”

End and Matt gasped dramatically.

“It must have been that wizard,” Matt exclaimed, “You said you guys were fighting again, and he probably wasn't happy about it, so he got rid of Tom.”

“That doesn't make any sense! Why would Tom disappear instead of me? I was the one arguing, not him!”

“I don't know, maybe it was because you two were close.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Told snapped.

“Just that it seemed like you two were finally getting along.”

“We weren't! I still hate him!”

“Then why are you so worked up?”

Told let out a loud frustrated sigh, before getting up off the couch and stomping back to Tom's room, slamming the door behind him.

“Should we be worried?” Edd asked, turning to Matt.

He shrugged, taking a bite of a bologna sandwich.

“Uh, Matt, where did you get that?”

“I don't know,” he said,  taking another bite. “Do you want some?”

Edd looked at the sandwich skeptically, before responding.

“Yeah sure,” he said, grabbing it from Matt's outstretched hand, and taking a bite.

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