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trigger warning: self harm/mutilation, severe injuries. Viewer descretion is advised⚠

[4 weeks later....]

~ ○ ~

Peter's Pov

THERE WAS THIS EXCRUCIATING pain, weighing down on my Abdomen. I feel my eyes barely Fluttering open, as I am welcomed by a flickering light Beaming down on me.

My chest rose, and fell after I felt dozens of tubes and cords Escape impaled parts of my body.
My skin, immidiately Starts burning.

"Is he breathing?
Check for a pulse."

"He's breathing, i think he's waking up, call in His guardian."

Muffled voices chatter around me

Without further Hesitation I shoot up from my current position; in which seemingly I had been laying down.

I took deep, Sharp breathes
It almost hurt just to try and breathe. My body soon began to quiver.

"Get the Doctor now!!" Yells a nurse Rushing from one corner of the room to the other. "Peter? It's me, Bruce. I'm gonna need you to calm down can you do that for me?" A blurry Blob of flesh in the corner of my eye asks, with pure sympathy etched into his voice.

"I-I W-What-?!" My breathes come out panicked, and seemed to hitch in my lungs; the pattern was vibrant and obscuring.

I could just barely work out stammered phrazes, piecing together my surroundings. I let out a stifled squeek.

"I-I was..."
"H-How did I G-Get here?"

I tried to make sense. At first, i thought I was, but then I realised my breaths would only keep interjecting me-- my body just wouldn t allow me to stop, and breath for a moment.

"You were in a coma, for about a month, Peter." His voice trails into a muffled murmur, as my frame shook violently.

Slowly but surely, the dullness in my surroundings shifts, with vibrance. I felt my Oxygen replenish. Relief filled my veins as I eased up. The man I now recognized as Bruce, rubbed circles on my back trying as hard as possible to sooth me.

"Kid, i don't know why you're here. But If I'm being honest, i think you already know." He Says, giving me a knowing yet Sympathetic gaze. He told me, he was going to get Tony then scurried out of the room, leaving me to my over-whelming thoughts.

The words sunk into my mind, and it was only a few seconds before the events of that night played through my mind.

My chest Started getting tight again, and it felt like a swarm of Wasps, were now piercing the wall of my stomach.

I glanced down at my arms, noticing they were sleeveless. I looked into a small mirror that was left at the corner of the room, and I watched the Boy in the mirror. He looked as if he were truly reveling over the crippling pain that Stings his Insides.

That sting my insides.

My eyes were dark-rimmed, purple welts scattered across my Shoulders.
The bruise that was given Earlier from michael, had slowly sunk into my eye socket itself.

I pulled the collar, of my white paper-thin hospital gown; to reveal hues, of Dark purple lining My neck.
The only part of my body that seems to be Left unharmed is my left collar bone, in which there was a bruise there but it gently fades like the last pedals of summer, kissed purple and yellow as the hue of my skin returns.

I tried to move my left hand up, to trace my Fingers amongst the dark red lines that trail up my arms, but a crippling pain Shoots up my left forearm.

The pain throbs in my guts, it's deep and warm. It feels like someone's rangling My insides, like hands are being wrapped around my heart and squeezing.

I wince as the pain recoils without mercy.

The Tears Burst fourth like water from a dam. I can't believe I survived this, why the hell did I have to live? Why the hell do the gods punish me like this? All I've ever done was risk my life saving other people!

I feel the muscles of my chin tremble like a small child. I looked toward the wall, as if maybe I could find comfort in These dull tan walls.

Static fills my head, I'm guessing This is A side effect to the constant pain I'm forced to live with, every Day of my life.

I can only hear myself and the lingering static.
My sounds, like a distressed child Raw from the inside.
The sobs punched through, ripping through each of my muscles.Muffled sobs wracked against my heart, as I hugged my knees to my chest; burying my head in my Blood stained arms.

The world turned into a blur, and eventually so did the room around me.

I didn't wanna live. I didn't want to be here, or alive at all. I just wanted to die.

We just want TO DIE!! A familiar voice slithers into my mind. And for once, i actually didnt fight back. I deserved this. I deserve
the pain I'm in.

Tony's Pov

The world around me fell into a light chatter as I carried on my conversation over the phone with pepper.

We talked about Peter and once again she talked me out of an anxiety attack.
She helped me forget the Consistent pain in my chest.
I was finally calm.

I was in my lab, Making suit upgrades; trying to forget this, feeling. I didn't understand why I felt so deeply for the kid, but Right now hes on death row.

I just want him to be okay.
Maybe I can adopt him, if he comes out of this. I hate to admit things like this, it's just so cheesy, but I love Peter like a son.

He's my kid.

The elevator doors swoosh open revealing a shocked Bruce staggering towards me.
"Tony I just came to let you kno-

"Yeah yeah yeah, i get it I need to stop moping around and get off my ass, Maybe go 'super heroing'
Well guess what it's not-

"Tony would you just listen to me for a sec-" he so rudly interupts me.

"I won't listen to you until my kid is okay. Now if you'll excuse me
"TONY HE'S AWAKE!!" Bruce eventually snaps, a tint of green within his gaze.

It took me a minute to register what he had said. "He's awake?"
I still didn't really understand.

But then it clicked, and i jolted
Up from my spot. "HE'S AWAKE!!!!"

I hurried off with bruce, as we made our way towards med bay.
There was still this weird feeling, pushing down on my chest. It didn't necessarily feel like an anxiety attack, but it drew a lump in my throat.

When we finally made it the Doctor gave us a few minor details, before I shoved passed him into a room that reeked of Death, and Medicine.

I stumbled in to face, the broken boy.

He looked up in suprise, trembling. Tears drenched his face, and i immidiately fell into the cot. Despite his flinching I pulled His porcelin frame close to me, holding Him against my chest.

"I-Its...It's gonna be okay kid."
Authors note: i hope you guys liked It!! It takes me longer and longer to write these chapters but I'm more than willing to, i love writing so much. Lol.
Love you guys! See you next chapter!

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