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Part 1: The final goodbye

Peter's Pov

smelt like the beginning Of spring. Wysteria and honeysuckles. The gentle scent of pine drifted in the air lingering gently like a charm.

Before I knew it, I found myself walking with a heavy weight on my chest.

It wasn't the weight of the world, it was the weight of lonliness. I still felt like I was practically floating. I hardly felt the tips of my feet kissing the ground.

I kept my gaze below, at the flowers as they drifted past me with each step. Grass covered the surface of the floor, slick like hair. An army of light spills down from the sky, emphasizing the beauty of the otherworldly environment.

Where was I? The voice was gone. There was no darkness. There was no pain.

Was this the truth behind a hero's death?

When I lifted my gaze from the mixture of colorful flowers; I met a pair of familiar blue orbs shimmering with joy.

"Peter. I've been waiting For you."

Her voice was calm and delicate.
She was just as beautiful as before, and she looked relaxed. Happy, and peaceful. This was the first time in a while I found myself smiling.

She pulls me into a warm hug. In that moment, everything Just melts away. My worries, my fears, my questions. They were all; gone.

"I'm so, so so proud of you." Her voice crackles; tears brim her eyes, as she softly caressed my pale cheek.

"B-But why-??" I pressed, my voice shaking anxiously. "Because you never stopped fighting." A vicious lump forms in my throat.

She released me, Beaming brightly. "Guess who else missed you??" I tilted my head in confusion.

Giggling she lead me through the sea of Flowers- they seemed to sprout up with each step; in an amazing discord of colors that warmed my senses.  beautiful arrays of flower petal's from greens, yellow, purples, reds flow past us along with the numbing breeze.

It was a long walk, but we finally made it. There just behind a bunch of trees and bushes, a fire burned.

The sound of chattering Fills my surroundings, and the smell of nature leaves me practically breatheless.

The light cast by the flames danced across the dark trunks of the trees. Familiar faces all around sat, chattering amongst one another. I was captivated by the fire; by the warm smiles, and shimmering orbs- flickering with pure joy.

The glowing embers seemed to move in rhythm with the flames, matching every dip and sweep. It was mesmerizing to watch, colours of orange and red mixed into the yellow and white near the centre. the emanating heat was the purest. I was caught in Awe.

Then there was my mother.
Wearing the biggest smile.

And my father, grinning bitterly Practically sneering at my awstruck face.

Ben approaches me, grinning that toothy grin he'd flash all the time when I was just a child. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my body.

"You've gotten so tall!!" He chuckles, solemnly. The world around me melted away as I squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end. It felt like a dream.

The Pain I'm In || Peter parker || [Completed]✔Where stories live. Discover now