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Trigger Warning

severe injuries. Viewer descretion is advised
Recap: I fell down against the roof of wherever I am, crying again. Like I always do.

I cried and cried, until finally I felt so dizzy, I was going to be sick. Then suddenly I remembered.........my arm.

I whipped my head up, and pulled my left wrist right into view.
Once again my arm is coated in a thick sleeve of blood but this timd, my hand is drenched too.

I laughed. Breathing just a few more words, before plummeting forward over the side of the building.

"Please Aunt May.....

Take me home."


~ ○ ~

Peter's Pov

I FELT STRONG ARMS WRAPPING Around me, pulling me close. My body Was just too drained to take any real notice.

It was odd, it didn't exactly feel like the wind was wipping past me, in fact it felt like There wasn't very much movement being made at all. I'm just laying in someone's arms. Accept, the fabric of his clothing rubbed against my flesh.

I opened my eyes slightly, to meet the gaze of...some sort of demonic figure with....Black and, sort of white eyes.

He suddenly sat me down against some wall. "Hang in there, uh. Half-naked, Bleeding, Zombie dude. I'm gonna get you to safety. Just as soon as I fix your arm." He mutters alloud. I fluttered my eyes a little trying to see the figure a little better now.

"W-who are you? Why...why didn't you just let me die?" My voice comes out raspy. He cocks his head looking up from the phone he was pulling out. "Oh. You're awake. Good, dont have to carry you anymore." He holds out his hand.

"Pool. Deadpool. You were chilling on a building bleeding to death when me and my last Enemy Fought to the death. So after I killed him I took you out of there and now you're here."

"What?? How did you...how did i??" I looked down, noticing I'm still in my hospital gown.
And I'm half naked. Meeting another super hero. Great.

"Oh, I've got you clothes if that's what you're freaked out about. That's why we're here." He pats my shoulder, before standing up and throwing himself through a window. "What the hell?!" I yell, before he whips the front door to a small apartment like house.

He ran out And scooped my up in his arms before carrying me inside. "h-hey I can carry myself." I pressed but he shook his head. "Forgot. You were taking to long."

I rolled my eyes. And he placed me down on an old couch.
The room smelt, of stale beer and candle wax.
At the window hangs a curtain that could once have been a deeply unfashionable frock, beige with insipid flowers of dirty pink.

"Are you gonna tell me why I found you like that?" He asks stealing my attention. My muscles tense up at the question.

'Why? Why would it matter to him anyway? He only saved us to get us out of his way! Why else would he be so careless?'

"Like what?" I reply seemingly oblivious. "You know what I mean, you can't play stupid with me." My heart immidiately starts racing.

"I-I was running, from someone."
He sits down next to me. "Mind Telling me, who?"
I was going to turn him down, but something just told me I could trust him.

"Tony stark." I mutter, burrying my head in my hands. He doesn't look very suprised, "did he do this to you??"

"W-WHAT? No! He um. It's just.."
I tried to find the right words, but I couldn't help the stuttering. Questions like these are nerve racking.

"We got in a big fight, at the hospital. I-I kind of just woke up from a coma."

He rushes to his feet and runs over to his phone. "Wait What are you doing??"

He gave me a look that basically read, 'are you freaking kidding me right now?'

We knew deep down he'd betray us, he is a stranger after all.

"What does it look like?! I'm calling Tony! You could have some sort of head trauma! I've got alot on my plate, I don't need to take care of Some kid too." His words hurt...but I didn't care.

It's not like I knew him.

I rushed up to my feet and grabbed my webshooters. "hey hey hey!!! Where the hell do you think you're going??" I roll my eyes, and scoff. "I'm not going back there. I don't need you and I don't need Tony." I snapped

"Dude you're not even gonna put on those clothes??? Look what happened last time you ran away! I don't know you, kid. But I do know Damn sure that running away from help that you need isn't the way to go."

"We Don't Need HELP!!!!!"
I snarled, once again in sync with my demon. "I found you bleeding to death on a roof! Not only that but you just told me you woke up from a coma!"

"Isn't that what you wanted to know?!" I barked.

He looked to the ground. "Yeah I guess so kid. I just don't wanna Get in any trouble for Helping you. The last time I tried helping a kid, he turned out to be crazy and plotted revenge against me. He nearly killed me, about what? 7 times and I'm fucking DEADPOOL! I DON'T DIE!!" he raised his voice, and I stupidly flinched.

"C-C'mon kid seriously?"
I clenched my webshooters. "I don't want to get in your way. Its just that...I didn't even ask you to save me!!" I snarled. "I just don't wanna be alive anymore. And I don't want to go home, just to be put through hell because of the way I feel."

I looked into the eyes of his mask.
"Look...kid....I don't know who exactly you are. But I know...
Life sucks. It does. Life is going to screw you over more times than even I can count. Look at me."

He pulls off his mask, revealing an alien like marred face behind it. I couldnt help but allow my jaw to quiver.

"I'm a mercenary. Oh yeah, and I CAN'T FUCKING DIE! last time I checked. Believe me, I tried. Everyday for almost a month I spent trying to kill myself, over and over again. And do you wanna know why? Because I lost the women I love. Not because I'm ugly and hideous, but because I am who I am. I got the love of my life killed. Because I'm dead pool."

I could only imagine what he must have gone through. I couldnt help but stare in awe. Here's a guy, who actually knows the daily struggle like it's the back of his own hand. A man whose probably been through it all, and he's looking at a kid.

Not a hero, but..a kid. I couldnt ever be a real hero. Not even if I tried, and I really did. He continues his lecture.

"The one time I was granted an opportunity to die...I could've taken it, but I didn't. And I Didn't die, because......Death doesn't take the pain away."

"It Just passes the pain, onto someone else."

I turned back around completely, and sat back down on the couch.
I absorbed his words, like a sponge. I wandered away in my thoughts for a brief moment
Slightly concerned of the impact his voice truly gave me,
But more concerned as to why the voice in my head has decided to sleep.

I couldnt help but stress over where it's gone. What it's plan was, why was it there in the first place?

Am I going insane??

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading this far! And I really REALLY appreciate the loads of support you guys give me!! I couldnt have made it this far without You guys!! I used some foreshadowing in this chapter, I made sure it was in bold. When you finish reading this story, let me know what you thought about that!Thanks so much for reading xox

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