7 - Ashton Irwin

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" Babe! Babe I'm home!" You hear your boyfriend of three years call out to you.
You walk out of your shared room to see your boyfriend with bright red hair.
"Ash! What happened? You look like Michael!" You say, staring at you his now bright red hair.
"Well," he said " I wanted something different, so I got Mike to dye it red"
" Well " you said, tilting your head to the side and looking at him closely, " it does look pretty good,"
"I know! And in a way, do you think I could be more punk rock than Michael?" Ashton asked, hope filled his voice.
"Yes! Michael is currently pink rock." You say. Ashton cracks up laughing,
"Good one baby, really good one, you'll have to tell him that one the next time you see him"
"Oh you bet I will" You say with a smirk.
Any chance to annoy Michael you would take. It was a lot of fun to piss Michael off.
Ash grabs your waist and pulls you to his chest, while you wrap your own arms around his neck.
"I love you Y/N, so god damn much" he whispers into your hair.
"I love you too Ash, to the moon and back"
You hear a camera click and you guys turn to see Calum with his phone out,
" I am so posting this in Instagram," he says
"You'd better run mate," is all Ashton says, before chasing Calum around your flat.
You stand there laughing at the two idiots.

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