Chapter One

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We had just finished playing the first part of our set. I walked up to the drum set and pulled off my sunglasses for the first time, then took a sip of my beer.

The crowed was chanting behind me. I smiled to myself as I slipped my pick in my mouth and messed around a little with my guitar before I actually started the song.

The crowed cheered at my random picking and couldn't help but laugh as I turned to face them, starting into one of my favorite songs to play live, 'Buried Alive.'

As the crowed grew louder, I found my self deeper in my thoughts. I thought how much the fans mean to me. How much they loved my band and put so much faith in us.

Once Matt opened his moth for the vocals and the lights grew brighter, I quickly grabbed the pick from my mouth and started playing along to Zackys rhythm.

I took a step onto then platform in front of me, taking my first hard look at the crowd. It was kind of quiet with a few screaming fans singing along. I dropped my gaze the the front line of fans. I walked along the edge of the stage to the middle, stepping on the platform. I took a look at the crowed on that side.

Then I laid eyes on a girl right up front, singing her heart out, looking up at me with the biggest smile on her face. I hopped off the platform and smiled down at her. I didn't know what it was about her, but I liked her. I wanted her.

Out of no where the song picked up and my solo was coming up. Zacky jumped up next to me and leaned on me as the speed picked up faster and faster.

I looked at Zacky with a smirk and he smirked back at me.

I leaned closer to him, "Girl front row, just below us. Red hair, leather jacket?"

Zacky glanced down at her, then back at me laughing, "yea?"

"I'll tell you later." I said as Matt started singing.

Zacky ran off toward Aarin.

I ran over to the far right and played my badass riff before Matt came back in. I walked up to the mic and started the back up vocals.

"Thank you!" Matt yelled as the song finished.

I walked back up to the drums and smirked at Aarin.

"Anyone cute ones?" He asked me.

I nodded my head and switched my guitar with the one Jason brought to me.

"Were going to take it back to City of Evil." Matt announced, "A little Beast and The Harlot."

I ran out to the center platform and stood with Matt as I lead into the song. I looked down at that girl again. She was singing this song word for word, so I decided to look at her and sing along.

Zacky jumped next to me for our guitar dueling solos.

I smirked at him as we finished it up.

He walked off toward his side and it followed him.

"That girl you point out?" Zacky asked me as I back up against him.

I nodded my head.

"The girl next to her on this side, so hot." He laughed.

I turned around and laughed at him as the song got to the break down. Johnny walked up to me and I chased him down.

The rest of the set went smoothly. I kept my eye on that girl the rest of the show. I couldn't play what it was about her that I liked so much.

"That was a badass show!" Matt said as we walked back stage.

I nodded my head and downed a bottle of water.

Zacky came up behind me and wrapped his arm around me, "So you going to tell me about this girl?"

I shook my head and laughed, "it's possible I will."

"If you spotted a girl, you might want to check by the buses in case she comes around." Johnny told me as he whipped the sweat off his face.

I grabbed my phone and looked at my messages. Nothing. As always.

"Come on dude let's go get us some girls!" Zacky said running down the hall to the exit door.

I rolled my eyes and followed him.

Outside a few fans were gathered by the gate near our bus. I was shocked there wasn't more and didn't know why till we walked toward them.

A security guard was shewing them off.

"Hey! No stop. You guys come back!" I yelled as the fans who were walking away.

The turned and smiled, running back over to us.

"You fucking get out of here." Zacky spat at the guard.

"Oh my god, Synyster!" A group of girls yelled.

"Zacky V!" A few others yelled.

We smiled at each other and signed a few stuff, took some pictures.

"Are you guys ready?" Matt said walking off the bus.

I nodded my head and started on it.

Matt talked to a few of the fans before he made his way back on the bus.

"That show was sick!" Aarin said excited.

I shook my head and looked out the window.

"Hey Brian, did you find that girl you spotted in the crowed?" Johnny asked me.

I shook my head no as the driver started up the bus.

"Wait!" I yelled before he started driving, "I found her!"

I saw a girl with red hair, wearing a leather jacket, walk up with two other girls.

"Go on." Matt said shoving me out the door.

Zacky followed me as we met them at the gate.

"Oh shit." One of them said.

I smirked and looked the one I picked out in the eye, "I'm Synyster, but you can call me Brian."

Her face turned a light red with a shy smile.

"I'm Cyndy." She introduced herself, "These are my friends."

"Brandy." The one with half pink hair and brown hair said.

The other one had a weird blonde color to her hair as she spoke, "I'm Amber."

Zacky smiled and introduced himself, eyeing the Brandy girl.

"We actually have to head out to out hotel, but if you'd like to chill at the hotel bar, were staying in the Hilton." I told them.

Their faces lit up. Well, two of them did.

"Differently." Cyndy said with a smile.

I hugged her and took a picture with her, then made my way on the bus with Zacky shortly following behind me.

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