Chapter Twenty Five

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*Two Years Later.*

"How are you doing Rock in Rio?!" Matt yelled out at the crowed.

I looked into the sea of people and was amazed by how many there were. Each time we came back to Rock in Rio, it seamed as if there were more and more people.

"This next song is off our new album that came out about a month again." Matt said as he walked up on the center platform. "Let me hear what you fucking have Brazil!"

I started into the song with Aarin. I found myself, zoning in on this song. It was the second one of the show. I was more excited for the next one, which was Buried Alive. I couldnt wait to play it. My little girl loved when I played that song for her.

Before I knew it, we finished that song, and everyone quickly got a drink, before I started into the next song.

The stage was dark. I propped my leg on the platform on my side of the stage. I glanced over to the side to see my two year old daughter, Alice Jade Haner, looking at me as her beatuiful mommy held onto her. I shot her a smile, then started into the song.

The whole crowed cheerd as I softly picked at my guitar. I herd my daughter scream with laugher and excitment. I could help but let tears stream down my face as I finished up the intro. I looked over and my daughter was clapping like crazy.

Once that song ended, Zacky started talking to the crowed, teasing Johnny.

"Seeing your kid get all excited at you playing, is seriously the best thing ever." I told Matt as I took a drink of my beer.

Matt patted my on the back, "Welcome to the club."

I shook my head and walked up to my platform.

"What do you say Brazil, lets take it way, way back to Waking the Fallen with Second Heartbeat." Matt said as I went right into the song.

After the show was over, we were taken to our hotel. We had another festavial in Brazil a few days after this one, so we just stayed the whole time.

That morning I got woken up by my daughter jumping on my chest.

"What on earth are you doing?" I laughed at her.

I looked around and Cyndy was no where to be found.

"Wheres your mother." I said as I crawled out of bed and slipped a shirt on, carrying Alice down to the lobby.

Cyndy was sitting at a table with Brandy, talking.

"You left her in the room with me asleep?" I asked her shocked.

She shook her head no, "I just walked out and came down here. You were almost awake."

I shook my head and sat down with her.

"Mine!" Johnny said snatching Alice away from me.

I glared at him as he walked away to the food bar.

"Excited?" I asked Brandy.

She nodded her head, "Oh yes! Getting married in Italy next week!"

I shook my head, "And Zacky nagging my about getting married in Mexico."

"Mexico? We got married in Tennessee?" Cyndy said funny.

I rolled my eyes, "Michelle and I did. She wanted all this expinsive stuff."

"Oh." Cyndy said looking at the table.

I got up and kissed her, "Get ready. Were going walking around in an hour."

"Really?" She said as she jumped up.

I nodded my head and snatched Alice from Johnny, then followed her back up to the room.

"Hey! You little cutey." Val said as we pasted her walking down the hall.

Alice smiled at her.

"Where are the Haners going today?" Matt said walking out of their room with River and Owen shortly behind him.

I looked at Cyndy, then back at him, "Shopping for Alice. Sight seeing. Thought she would like it."

"River got a kick out of it a few years ago. Alice will love it." Val told us.

I nodded my head, "Of course she will. We'll see you guys when we get back."

The three of us got read and went out to look at Brazil. Cyndy loved every minute of it, as well as Alice. I dont even know how many times I've been here, but im so glad, this time, I had my family with me. My own family.

Once we got back, Matt took us down the road for all of us to eat, talk, and enjoy each other. Alice, River, and Owen sat together, playing and talking. It was cute. It was a nice dinner with friends and family, but when we got back, everything died down. It was quiet. Zacky and Brandy were down at the bar, so we were alone.

I was sitting out on the balcony with a pasted out Alice on my chest, as I gazed out at the city. We could see the Brazilian statue from our hotel and it was amazing.

"Tired yet?" Cyndy asked me as she walked out on the balcony.

I shook my head no and kept my gaze.

 She rested her hand on my shoulder, "If you want, you can go down to the bar and drink. I can take her over if you want."

"I dont want to. I want to stay up here with you two." I told her. "I want to enjoy the little things while she little."

Cyndy laughed and kissed my cheek, then went back in the room.

I got up and followed her. She was laying on the bed, smiling at me as I laid Alice next to her, then laid down as well.

"You know, I really wish Jimmy was here to see her. He would have loved her." I said spilling my thoughts, "I wish he could have met you."

Cyndy leaned over Alice and kissed me, "You know he watches you play every night and sees you ever day."

I looked at her and sighed, "I know."

"Im sure he loves Alice." She laughed, "From what I know about Jimmy, Im sure we would have gotten along great."

I laughed as well, "Yea. God, we would have fucked some shit up before we had Alice if he was still here."

Alice randomly raised up in her sleep. She had her eys closed.

"Baby, what are you doing?" I laughed looking at her.

As soon as I spoke, she crawled ontop of me and laid on my chest.

"Did she really just do that?" Cyndy asked me.

I nodded my head still laughing.

"That little shit." Cyndy laughed.

I hugged Alice and held her close to me, "She loves her daddy."

"I lover her daddy too." Cyndy said, turning off the light, then kissing me.

I laid my arm out as Cyndy snuggled close to me. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her head, then kised Alice's head.

I couldnt get over how happy I was right now. I loved my little family, so much. My daughter was the most adorable girl you would ever wish for. My wife was my best friend. The love of my life, so beautiful. The only thing I was missed was Jimmy. The bestest friend I ever had. I wanted to share all this with him, but I knew he would love them, just as much as I do. My mind was finally, at eas. No more worries. No drama. No bad ideas going on in my head, just the perfect life I had always wanted, I had it. I coudlnt be happier. I loved being with my family and I dont know what I would do with out them. They are my world.

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