Chapter Eighteen

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The first thing we did was take them to a movie. Cyndy mentioned something about As Above, So Below. So that's what we saw. After that we took them shopping.

"You don't like shopping that much?" I asked Cyndy was we went into a store Brandy wanted to go in.

"Not really." She laughed, "I like my band shirt."

I shook my head, "you need something of your own."

She gave me a funny look.

"That's Brandy's dress isn't it?" I asked.

She nodded her head sadly.

"Then I'm picking you out something." I told her as I started off in the dresses.

I herd her grawl as I started looking at stuff. Brandy jumped next to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

She looked at Zacky and he was walking off talking to Cyndy.

"I'm gunna help you pick something for her." She laughed.

I shook my head and reached for a dress I thought Cyndy would like, but Brandy smacked my hand away. I shot her a glare and she pointed a different one out. I rolled my eyes and kept looking, till finally Brandy and I agreed on something.

"It's perfect." Brandy said as I took it to the counter.

"What is?" Cyndy said walking up to us with Zacky.

"Where did you two go?" Brandy asked them.

Zacky pointed across the street, "got a drink."

"Here, put this on." I said handing Cyndy the bag as we walked outside the store.

She gave me a funny look as we walked in restaurant they had just came from.

"Go!" I pushed her.

She grabbed Brandy and went to the bathroom.

Zacky looked at me and shook his head.

"What?" I laughed after I ordered a drink.

He shrugged his shoulders, "nothing at all."

"What did you two talk about?" I said glancing at the bathrooms then back at Zacky.

He smirked and looked toward the bathrooms.

I turned around and Cyndy came walking out with Brandy. She was wearing the dress I had picked out for her. It was black, with spikes around the neck and bottom. It had a leather belt on the waste. She looked stunning. So beautiful.

"Well." She said looking down, then at me and Zacky.

"I like." Zacky told her.

She smirked at him then looked at me. Waiting for an answer.

I shook my head and smiled, "I love it."

After shopping, we went back to the hotel to put their bags on the bus. The girls were talking on the bus while Zacky and I waited for the cabs. We were going to split up for dinner.

"So, what did she say when we were at that dress shop?" I asked Zacky as I took a hit from my cigarette.

Zacky shook his head, "why?"

I growled, "I wanna know!"

He laughed, "there's nothing to know!"

I glared at him as one of the cabs pulled up.

"Cyndy!" I yells, "our cabs here!"

"So you get the first one." Zacky said still laughing.

I smiled as Cyndy and Brandy came off the bus, "your God damn right."

"What?" Both the girls said clueless.

I shook my head and opened the door for Cyndy, "Come on."

She looked at Zacky then me as she got in the cab.

We arrived at a a fancy dinning place. I opened the cab door for Cyndy as well as the door inside. We were escorted up two floors of the building, then outside to a table where no one else was at.

"Like it?" I asked her as I took my seat.

She looked around in amazement, "I really do. I'm not use to stuff like this."

I smiled, "well you better get use to it. I love to spoil my girls."

She shot my a slight glare, then smiled as she got up and walked to the edge.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

She leaned over and looked down at the busy New York streets.

I got up and stood behind her, wrapped my arms around her waist and resting my head on her shoulder.

"I can't believe I am where I am." She said serious.

I kissed her cheek, "I can't either. To think, after my wife left me, I gave up on girls, well relationships."

She turned and laughed, "why?"

"Why what? I gave up or she left me?" I asked her.

She walked back over to the table, "both. If you love me and were in a relationship. I wanna know about you."

I smiled and sat across from here, "You see, my wife, Michelle, we fought every time of come back from a tour that she didn't come on, cause she thinks I hooked up with groupies, which I didn't."

"Go on." She said.

"Well, one time, we came back from a tour, we flew out of London, catching an early flight. I was like, why not surprise Michelle. So I get back from the airport around 2 in the afternoon and open the door to my house. I set my bags down and noticed Michelle walk from the kitchen to our bedroom with almost nothing on, but a shirt." I explained, "I then follow her to our room, but when I got there, she was standing at the foot of our bed while another guy was in it."

Cyndy's eyes got wide, "why?! Why would she do that?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know, but I went off. At first she was shocked, then tried to turn it on me. That's when I went to a friends house and filled for divorce. I was tired of it."

"And that's why you gave up on relationships?" She asked.

"It's hard to date, being so famous. I've known Michelle since highschool. Plus, who's to say that wouldn't happen all over again?" I said sadly.

She looked me up and down, "and your willing to risk that with me?"

I nodded my head, "when I saw you, it didn't run across my mind that you would. Every other girl, it has. So why not give it one last shot?"

She smiled really big so I kissed her.

The rest of the night, we small talked and learned about one another. I found myself falling more and more in love.

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