Chaptee Nineteen

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A few weeks of tour went by and I couldn't be more happy with Cyndy. I truly loved her. Thoughts of proposing to her when we got back ran threw my head, but something told me not to jump into just yet.

"Hey you awake?" I said tossing a ball across the bunk hall at Zackys.

He pulled the curtain open and looked at me, nodding his head.

"Is Brandy?" I asked him.

He looked at her, then shook his head no.

I looked at Cyndy and kissed her forehead as I slowly crawled out of my bunk. Zacky did the same.

"What are you two fools doing?" Johnny asked as we walked into the front.

I grabbed a box of beer and motioned for him to follow me and Zacky to the back lounge.

I tossed Johnny a beer and sat in the corner.

"What's going on?" Johnny laughed.

I looked at Zacky, then Johnny, "girls asleep. Guy time."

Johnny nodded his head and downed the beer legit just gave him.

We got buzzed and for me, that was enough for now. We did have a show the next day.

"Dude, you want me to tell you what Cyndy said at the dress store a few weeks ago?" Zacky said slightly punching me.

I looked at him for a long minute, "yes."

He busted out laughing, "she said, it's like she's living in a fan fiction."

I raised a brow giving him a funny look.

"Fan fiction?" Johnny asked.

Zacky nodded his head, "but she said she's totally i the real world with you. And begged me not to tell you about the fan fiction deal."

I nodded my head then just starred at the door for a minute.

"Brian dude." Zacky said shaking me.

I got up and opened the lunge door.

"Gates, what are you doing?" Johnny asked.

I looked at them then glared at my bunk.

"That didn't upset you did it?" Zacky asked me.

I shook my head no, then walked to the bunk, grabbing something, then made my way back to the lounge.

"Dude, is that her laptop?" Johnny asked.

"Yupp." I said as I opened the lid, "I'm going to look at something."

I logged in by guessing her password, which was her nephews name. I then look at her desk top. It was a picture of the big king we bring on tour.

"Damn he looks badass." Johnny said looking over my shoulder.

I pushed him over and started going threw her notes.

"What are you looking for?" Zacky asked watching me.

"I'm going to find a fan fiction." I said searching, "and I found it."

Zacky shook his head, "your weird dude."

"Shut it." I said as I started to read the first chapter.

Johnny yawned, "I'm going to be dude."

"I'm going to play some games." Zacky said as he got up.

Him and Johnny born left the back lounge, leaving me with Cyndys laptop.

Once I finished the first chapter, I knew I had to finish reading it. I had to read it all tonight, cause I had no idea if I'd get a chance at her laptop again.

It took me a little over an hour, but I finished it. It was good, but it sent shivers all threw my body, reading about myself. About being with someone I loved. It felt, weird.

I shut her laptop off and sat it to the side. I crossed my arms and just starred at the im of the couch. I couldn't get the story out of my head. It was like it was haunting me. I kind of wanted Zacky to read it. It had him in it as well about Brandy.

In the middle of my thoughts, the back lounge door opened. I didn't look, I just starred at the end of the couch still, stuck in a trance. But from the corner of my eye, I noticed it was Cyndy.

"Brian, what are you doing?" She asked me with sleep in her voice, "I need you."

I stayed quiet.

"Brian, what is it?" She asked stepping closer to me.

I glanced at her laptop then back to the end of the couch.

"Brian, why do you have my laptop?" She asked, as she knelt down next to me.

"Fan fiction." Is all I said.

She stayed quiet for a minute , so I looked at her.

"Please don't judge me, it's what I like to do. What I like to write about. Your my muse. You always have been and always will." She pleaded.

I looked back at the end of the couch.

"Brian." She cried.

I sighed and dropped my gaze to the floor then back at her.

She looked me in the eye. I could see she really loved me. That it wasn't some fan crush. And it wasn't the idea she had of me. She loved me. I mean I wasn't mad at her. I was stunned. Stunned by how connected and accurate her story was.

"Lay with me." I said blankly.

She didn't question me. She laid on top of me and rested her head on my chest, curled up into a ball.

I ran my hand threw her hair and kissed her forehead, "I love you Cyndy. So much."

She looked up at me, "I love you Brian."

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