Chapter Twenty Three

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A few weeks later, Halloween was growing closer and closer. As well as Cyndy and I. I kept thinking about proposing. I wanted to so bad, but something told me to wait. My dad and I went out and I got a ring, so I was doing it, just not yet.

It was the day before Halloween and all of the band were at Matt's parents, going over ideas for a new album. Playing a few demos. His mom was babysitting River and Owen while Val took Cyndy and Brandy out, showing them around with the rest of the girlfriends.

"Let's take it back to City of Evil, have that feel." I suggested.

Matt shook his head, "I still want something different."

I sighed and looked at the time.

"Waiting for something?" Aarin asked me.

"Val is suppose to drop Cyndy off here around eight." I told him.

"Thats still a while away." Aarin said.

I nodded my head, "Sadly."

"Whats going on at eight?" Johnny asked.

I laughed, "Im taking her to a haunted house or two after we grab something to eat and some star bucks."

"Really?" Matt laughed, "Thats nuts."

I shurgged my shoulders, "She loves Halloween."

"Which is tomorrow night?" Aarin said confussed.

I nodded my head, "Exactly. Thats the plan."

"What plan? Are you going to finally ask her or something?" Zacky asked me.

"Yes, I am. At midnight." I told everyone.

"Well, congrats ahead of time." Johnny laughed, "I know she'll say yes."

"Thanks." I laughed.

We all just talked for a little while, then went inside Matts to chill. We watched River and Owen play. Then Zacky took River on in some video game. Shockingly, River won. Matt has taught him well.

Watching River play, made me think about kids more. Thinking that I wanted one. River just turned five. Owen was going on three. I was the oldest out of the guys in the band. Matt already had two kids. Zacky didnt want any, Johnny had mentioned he wanted one, but hes still three years younger then I am. I had no idea, what I was going to do, but I had to make up my mind soon.

Eight rolled around and Val pulled up. Her, Brandy, and Cyndy came walking in the house.

"Did you have fun?" I asked Cyndy as I got up and hugged her.

She smiled and nodded her head.

"You ready for our night?" I asked her.

She nodded her head again.

"Have fun!" Val and Brandy yelled at her as we started for the door.

Matt followed us outside.

"Go on, I'll be there in a second." I told Cyndy as I kissed her cheek.

I turned to Matt and he smirked at me.

"Good luck," He told me, "You'll need it."

"Thanks dude, Im fucking nerves." I said shaking my head.

He laughed, "Dont be. She will say yes."

"But is what I have planned good enough?" I asked him.

He noddd his head, "Go before it gets to late."

I hugged them, then ran to the car to start off my night.

After we ate at Wendy's, we stopped my starbucks just before they closed and got Pumpkin Spice Latte's. Then we were off to a few haunted houses. I kept getting scared, but I didnt let it show, but Cyndy's sake. I kept waiting for her to get scared, but all she did was laugh. I was shocked by the fact she wasnt scared all, but I got over it when we left the final house around 11:30.

"Where to now?" She asked me.

I shurgged my shoulders, "What do you want to do?"

"I dont want to go home yet. Its almost Halloween!" She said excited.

I smiled at her, "You want to go walk in the park?"

She nodded her head and thats where we went.

We parked and I got my accoustic guitar are and threw over my shoulder.

"What are you doing with that?" She laughed.

I shurged my shoulders and grabbed her hand, "Never know when I feel like playing."

She shook her head and we started walking in the dark park.

The city had Halloween-afide it at the start of the month. A few people were running around in costums, scaring each other. We laughed as we watched them run around. We both finished off our latte's and tossed them in the trash, then we conuited talking as I walked her to my spot in the park were all us guys use to hang out. The first place I got drunk with Jimmy.

"Why here?" She asked me as we stopped walking.

I sat down and patted for her to sit next to me.

She rolled her eyes and sat close to me as I put my guitar on.

I started picking at a song and her eyse lit up.

"I know this song!" She said excited.

I smiled and kept playing 'Sweet Child O' Mine' by one of my favorite bands, Guns and Roses. I looked into ther eyes as she smiled at me and started singing to her, "She's got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories. Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky. Now and then when I see her face, she takes me away to that special place. And if I stared too long I'd probably break down and cry. Sweet chil o' mine. Sweet love of mine. She's got eyes of the bluest skies, as if they thought of rain. I'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain. Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place, where as a child, I'd hide and pray for the thunfer and the rain, to quietly pass me by. Oh, sweet child o' mine. Oooh, sweet love of mine."

I stopped singing, but kept playing. I looked at her and she was shocked, but in a good way. She was in a transe from me playing. The look she gave me, made me feel so happy. I loved her. I loved her like fucking crazy.

I finished the song and sat my guitar down.

Before I could say anything at all, she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me.

I slightly laughed, "I take it you liked that?"

She looked at me as tears filled her eyes, nodding her head.

I slipped my hands in my jacket pocket and pulled the ring out, closed in my hand.

"Cyndy, The past year with you is something, so crazy. Something I never would have dreamed." I started telling her, "You mean the world to me. You made me fall in love with you in three days. Im never going to forget that night I laid my eyes on you in the crowed. I've never been so thankful that you came to the bus that night and talked to us. And the fact you showed up a year later. You take my breath away, Cyndy. You take my mind off of everythig bad, and put it in a good place."

I grabbed her hands and placed the ring in her hands, "I love you, more then words. I want to marry you. I want to be with you forever. I want to have kids with you. I want to take you all over the world as my band grows every day. Your my sweet love. Will you please, marry me? Im legit going to beg you until you say yes."

Tears fell from her eyes as she looked at me shocked. She was speachless, but finally she unfroze and nodded her head yes.

I gasp in relief and slipped the ring on her finger, then hugged her neck.

"You are my world and im never going to let you slip threw my fingers again." I said near in tears of happyness, "I love you, so much."

"Brian, I love you, so much." She told me, looking at me.

I rested my forehead on hers and started humming the song I just sang to her.

She laughed.

"Guess what?" I said smiling.

She looked at me, waiting, "What?"

"Happy Halloween." I smirked.

She smirked back and kissed me.

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