Chapter Twenty Four

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November came quick. We were in the middle of it actually. Cyndy's birthday was at the end of it, two days after thanksgiving, which I thought was cool, but she hated. We were in the middle of planning our wedding. I told her it could be anything she wanted. I let her handle most of it, I just paid for all of it, which I didn't mind at all.

"Have a date picked yet?" I asked her as I stood behind her at the computer.

Brandy looked up at me and glared.

"What?" I asked.

She just laughed.

I growled and looked at the screen. She was looking threw our old tour dates.

"Babe." I said confused.

She stuck her hand in my face and shush'd me.

I rolled my eyes and went back in the livingroom with Zacky.

"Hows the planning coming?" Zacky laughed.

"Ugh! She wont let me know anything, til she knows." I laughed.

"Do you have anything picked out at all?" He asked.

I nodded my head, "She wants it to be this park in her hometown."

Zacky growled now, "Great, we all have to fly out somewhere again."

I flipped him off, "At least its not fucking Mexico."

Zacky nodded his head and took a drink of his beer, "I herd that."

"The only thing I get to pick, is the honey moon." I told him.

"Where?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I cant talk about it as long as shes in the house. She cant know."

Zacky rolled his eyes, "Weddings."

"You going to ask Brandy any time soon?" I asked him.

"Hell no. I learned my lesson the last two times." He laughed, "Im gunna wait till next year to ask."

I laughed, "Really? How you going to ask?"

"Cant talk about it, she might find out." He laughed, mocking me.

I flipped him off again.

"Babe! I found it! I know what day!" Cyndy yelled, running into the livingroom with Brandy behind her.

I looked at her, "What day?"

"June 18th. Next year." She smiled.

I gave her a funny look.

"Why?" Zacky asked.

Cyndy sat on my lap and Brandy sat next to Zacky across from us.

She looked at Zacky with a smile, "It was the show where he picked me out from the crowed. Tampa, FL, June 18th."

"Thats sweet." Zacky laughed.

She kissed my cheek, "Im excited."

"I bet you are." I smiled at her.

The next day, Cyndy, Brandy, and Val went dress shopping with River and Owen. So Matt, Zacky, and I went to Johnny's Bar. Not too long. Johnny showed up and challenge us in pool, which we kicked his ass in.

"Want to try again Sweard?" Matt laughed as he put his stick up.

Johnny  flipped him off.

I grabbed a beer and sat  on the couch.

"So Gates, what are we doing for your batchlers party this time around?" Johnny asked me.

I shurgged my shoulders, "I have no idea. Thats up to Zacky and Brent dude."

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