Chapter Twenty Two

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The next day, we woke up a little later then plan. We quickly got dressed and rushed over to my dads. There were a lot of cars outside.

"Brian?" Cyndy said as we got out of the car, "I thought it was suppose to be just us?"

I sighed, "My mom likes to invite everyone. But don't worry. I see Matt and Val's car. As well as Zacky and Johnny's."

"I'm nerves. More then when I met your dad." She confessed as we walked up to the door.

I laughed as I opened the door, "You'll be fine."

She took a deep breath and gripped my hand tight as we walked inside.

No one was in the livingroom.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Kitchen!" I herd my mom yell.

I smiled and started toward the kitchen, untill I was attacked out of no where by my sister, McKenna.

"Bubby." McKenna said hugging me tighter and tighter.

I prided her off, "Alright McKenna I missed you too, but Im getting old and your gunna snap me in half."

She laugehd and ran off into the kitchen. Cyndy and I followed her.

"Brian!" My mom Suzy, yelled as she spotted me.

I walked up to her and hugged her, "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Cyndy."

"Oh shes so pretty!" My mom said near in tears, "Come here darling!"

Cyndy walked up to her and my mom gave her a hug.

I wrapped my arm around Cyndy and kissed her, "Cyndy, my mom. And the bright purple headed girl you saw in the livingroom, is my sister McKenna."

McKenna shot her a glare, then went outside.

I rolled my eyes and started hearing music coming from outside.

"Whats going on out there?" I asked my mom as I walked up to the door.

She sighed, "Your father playing."

"Come on." I said pulling Cyndy outside.

Sure enough, everyone was outside.My dad had his amp and stuff hooked up playing some older songs. This one was Jack and Diane by John Mellencamp. Zacky was sitting next to him, playing along.

Brandy was talking to Kim and Lacy.

Cyndy and I walked up to Matt, who had Owen, and watched my dad.

River was dancing around with my brothers kids.

My dad finished up and everyone clapped.

"Its about damn time you showed up." My dad laughed hugging me.

I shook my head, "We got home late."

"Yea, I herd about what happened." My dad sighed.

"Why is everyone here?" I asked him looking around.

He smiled at me, then looked at Cyndy, "I thought you brother would want to meet her."

"I see." I said looking at Cyndy.

She kept looking at Brandy, wanting to go off with her, but I wouldnt let her.

After I introduced her to my brother and a few other people, I let her go to Brandy. Her, Brandy, Lacy and Kim started talking no stop. Johnny and Aarin were playing with the kids. Matt, Zacky, my brother Brent, and my dad, went off into a corner and started talking.

"Johnny and Aarin playing with kids." Brent said shaking his head.

Matt laughed, "They are the younger ones out of all of us."

"Your kids are great Shadz." I told him.

He nodded his head as he finished his beer off, "Thanks."

"You need one bro." Brent said propping his arm on my shoulder.

"Yea, Brian." My dad said punching me, "Its about time you thought about it."

I rolled my eyes, "I dont wanna hear it."

Zacky laughed, "Seeing a little Synyster run around, would be crazy."

"Oh Zack, you dont know they half of it." My dad laughed, "Brian was the wildest."

I shook my head.

"I herd stories about Cyndy from Brandy." Zacky said, "She was pretty crazy."

"Oh shit." Matt laughed, "I dont wanna babysit."

I flipped him off.

"Hey, you'll make great babies." Zacky laughed.

"Hey. Lets focous on whats happening now." I laughed, "Were not even married. I've only known her for a year, but I keep thinking, it feels right."

"Brian, you serious?" My dad asked.

I nodded my head. "I love her."

"You do know it took you six years to ask Michelle?" Matt pointed out.

I nodded my head, "But we started from a drunken hook up. I picked her out from the crowed, completely sober. And it took me two days till I slept with her."

"Wow two days," Brent laughed, "Thats new for you."

I glared at him.

"You love her Brian?" My dad asked.

I nodded my head, "More then anything."

"Then go for it. Do you have a ring?" He also asked.

I shook my head no, "Not yet."

"We'll me and you will go pick one out tomorrow." He told me.

I nodded my head.

"Haners!" McKenna yelled, "All male haners! Come to the porch!"

All of us finished off our beers, then made our way toward the house.

"I wanna play a song with you guys." McKenna smiled.

I grabbed one of my guitars my dad had out and strapped it on, "Go get the one I gave you."

She smiled, then ran into the house, coming back with a pink guitar, just like mine.

"What do you wanna play sweety?" My dad asked her.

She smiled, "Ozzy."

I didnt ask her what song, I just started playing 'Let Me Hear You Scream.' Matt started to sing.

All and all, that was a good night. It wasnt too hot, and it wasnt cold. My family and friends were all gathered together. And all of them loved Cyndy. She fit in nicely with everyone. This is what I loved about not touring, spending time with my loved ones and shredding on the guitar. My little sister and my dad jamming with me. I was proud of my sister. I taught her all I knew. I really enjoyed today.

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