Chapter Fourteen

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Finally, it was here. We were leaving Atlanta and heading into Florida. I couldn't wait. I couldn't sleep. I was nerves and I've never been nerves before. Zacky was extremely quiet, more then normal. It freaked us out but they understood why.

"Gates, get some sleep. Your going to need it." Shadz told me as we started toward our hotel rooms.

I shot him a small and walked down the hall to my room with Zacky.

We were staying in the same hotel as last time and all I could do was think about running down the hall drunk with the most amazing girl I have ever met.

"Are you going to actually sleep?" Zacky asked me as we walked in the room.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I need to. I need all the energy I can get. I didn't sleep last night."

"Then sleep. You will need it." Zacky told me laughing.

"You too dude." I said laying down.

He shook his head, then jumped in the shower.

I closed my eyes and picture the moments I spent with her here last year. It was the best moments. I missed her laying next to me. I started hating myself for leaving her behind. I knew I should have brought her to start with, but I didn't. I started to believe she would show up. Or she did and hated me. Nothing but bad things were coming to mind and I hated it. I felt myself slip into a depression as I fell asleep.

"Gates! Wake the fuck up!" Zacky said smacking me.

I jumped up and pushed him backwards, falling on his ass.

"Dude are you nuts?" He yelled at me.

I shook my head, "what? Why did you slap me?!"

"We are legit leaving! Everyone is on the bus." Zacky said in a hurry.

I grabbed my bag and my shoes, then followed Zacky out the door.

"What took you so fucking long?" Johnny said as I made my way to my bunk.

"I couldn't wake him up!" Zacky answered for me.

I rolled my eyes then sat on the couch on the lobby, "how many times did you try waking me up?"

"I got up, got ready. Tried waking you, gave up and met up with everyone. Then loaded my stuff and they sent me up to get you. Tried waking you for five minutes then slapped you back to the real world." Zacky explained.

"Holy shit." I said, "I've never not woken up before."

"It might be your just nerves." Shadz said.

Aarin laughed, "really? Why would he be so nerves not to wake up?"

"I'm afraid Cyndy won't show up tonight." I confessed, "that's the last thing I thought about before going to sleep."

Shadz nodded his head, "that's it. He didn't want to wake up and face reality."

We arrived at the venue and the Berrys started unloading with the crew. Everyone went inside to drink a few an relax. I grabbed Johnny and pulled him outside to smoke.

"What is it Gates?" He asked me.

I lit up a cigartte and sighed, "I want to go look at the line."

"No you dont. You want to see if Cyndy is here." Johnny told me.

I nodded my head.

"Come on." Johnny said as he started around front.

I followed him and we got to the corner. I looked around and saw alot of people lined up.

She Made Me Fall in Love (A Synyster Gates Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now