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July 13 1976
Hey Siri,

I know you probably won't answer this. Maybe that why I am writing to you, because I know you won't answer this letter. You probably won't even read this, I mean your mother will probably burn this before you even know i sent it.

So here we go, I feel dead. The full moon is worse without you guys. It feels like I am back, back in those days before you become animagus, when I was alone every full moon. I got hurt pretty bad at the last full moon, two days ago,  but I am fine now...I am. I am. Atleast I think I am. It feels weird. Like my body is too small for my thoughts. Like the monster is gonna take over and I don't know if it's ever gonna stop.

I miss you,

August 12 1976
Hey Siri,

You didn't answer the last letter, so i guess you never got it, or you got it, and think I am totally crazy. But that doesn't sound like you. And that's why I am here again. Writing to you. Knowing that you probably never will read this. Since last time it was a huge relief, I'm doing it again.  

It was full moon again, three days ago. Awful this time too. The monster is growing and I can't stop it. I am afraid that soon it's gonna take over. I am so happy that next full moon, I'm not gonna be alone.

I still have the feeling Siri. Like soon, I am gonna explode. You should see me, I am so tall now. And I don't stop getting taller. But now that I am so tall, you should think that my body could take my thoughts and the growing monster. But it doesn't, and I think that either the monster is gonna take over or  my thoughts are gonna take over..and if neither of them does, both is gonna stay, and my body won't be able to handle it. Sooner or later something has to take over, or I'm gonna explode.

I wish I could talk to you, I miss you.

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