Chapter 12: So cute

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Chapter 12: So cute


James wasn't very good at keeping secrets. So it was a surprise for both him and Lily when he didn't tell his best friends right away. It wasn't like he didn't support them, he was happy for them. He really was. That both of them were guys, he really didn't see a problem with that. But the thing was, if his best friends didn't tell HIM, then it was pretty obvious that they didn't want anyone to know. So he kept his mouth shut. Didn't tell anyone. Not even Peter. He didn't let Remus and Sirius know he knew. But then it came to that moment, when he couldn't do it anymore. James was walking home from quidditch practice. He had been thinking, a lot. And he had now decided that he had to tell Sirius and Remus that he knew. He wanted them to be happy. And right now they were so...weird. He understood why, they didn't want him or anyone else to find out. But he wanted to make sure that they..he wanted them to feel safe and comfortable with kissing and holding hands and stuff like that, when they were around him. So as he walked up the stairs, on his way to the Gryffindor common room, he decided that it was time.
He had to tell them. Now. As he came closer to their dorm he kind of got nervous. He didn't know why. He was just worried, that they would be mad at him or something. He knew they wouldn't, it was Sirius and Remus for god's sake. But still. He stopped outside the door to their dorm. Through the door he heard Remus saying something, but he couldn't hear what it was, and Sirius laughed. He opened the door slowly. They were just laying there, in Sirius's bed. Fully clothed, thank god. Remus has his hand is Sirius's hair, playing with it. Sirius just looked at him. And smiled a lovely smile. Then he lifted his hand and played with Remus's curls. Remus laughed and hit Sirius's hand. Sirius smiled.
"If you get to play with my hair, I get to play with yours." He said and smiled. Remus catched his hand and brought it out from his own hair.
"Shut up." He said. Sirius looked at Remus with a challenge in his eyes.
"Make me." Sirius said and Remus smiled calmly.
"Oh, I will." Remus said and kissed Sirius. They kept kissing. And kissing. And kissing. That's when James decided that maybe it was time to let them acknowledge his presence.
He cleared his throat.
Sirius and Remus parted quickly and both of them stood up. Remus was blushing deep and looking down on the floor. His lips were all swollen and red. Sirius on the other hand had a shocked expression. He stared at James with something, maybe fear, in his eyes. His lips were just as swollen and red.
"Jamie.." Sirius started.
"I already know Pads." Remus looked up. Sirius stared at him.
"What?" Sirius said.
"I know that you two are together." They both stared at him. Then at each other. Then at him. Then at each other. They communicated somehow, but he didn't know what they said.
Then they stared at him again. Remus was the one who spoke first.
"How and when did you find out?"
"You guys are the most obvious persons I know. So well, I figured it out with help from Lils, she already knows too by the way. The notes, the blushes, the chocolate sharing and the reading. It wasn't too hard to figure it out." James said. Some of it was obviously a lie. He had a hard time figuring it out, but they didn't need to know that. Lily realized it right away so it was kind of true. Sirius looked at him.
"And?" He said.
"What?" James asked. Sirius looked down.
"What do you think?" Sirius said.
"It's great." James said and smiled widely.
"Great?" Sirius said, a questioning look on his face.
"Great. I want you guys to be happy and from what I have seen, you make each other happy" James said.
"And you dont think its weird?"
"What? Because you are two dudes? Nothing weird there. Love is love. And I will fight everyone who says something else. Because you are my best friends? Doesn't matter. I want you to be happy. Also now me and Lils and you guys can go on double dates." He said and smiled. Remus smiled at him, his eyes had switched from nervous expression to a happy and admiring. He mouthed a silent "thank you". Sirius just stared.
"Thanks mate." If James wasn't totally wrong it was tears in Sirius's eyes. James understood why, Sirius' parents had never accepted his choices, now he was dating a male, half blood, werewolf. But he and Sirius are brothers. In everything but blood. And he knew how much this meant for him. That at least one person supported him, wanted him to be happy. He could see the tears clearly now. Sirius Black was crying. Remus took his hand in his own. He looked at Sirius with a worried face, caring eyes and James could see how much that man cared about his boyfriend. He was so happy they had each other. Sirius looked up at him.
"God Pads, stop crying." James said a little jokingly while smiling. "What did you except? That I would leave you?" Even though he said it with an easy tone he was serious. Did Sirius really think that about him?
"No. I just- I dont- I was just afraid that I would lose you.." Sirius looked down.
"Sirius." James said.
"Yeah?" Sirius looked up at James again. He looked broken. This wasn't what James wanted, he wanted his best friend to be happy.
"Don't cry Pads" He walked up to Sirius and hugged him, Sirius tensed at first but then he slowly relaxed. "Everything is okay."
James looked at Remus over Sirius's shoulder.
"You have to take care of him, promise me you will." He mouthed.
"I promise. I love him." Remus answered and smiled a little.
"I know." James nodded.
Sirius slowly let go of him and stepped back. Remus took his hand again. James watched them as Sirius looked back at Remus and smiled lovingly. They really did love each other.
"Does Peter know?" Remus looked at him.
"I haven't told him but he might know, it's hard to miss."
"You keep saying that.." Remus said, and James, who had known Remus for years, knew that he was deep in thought.
"What is it, love?" Sirius asked as he looked at his boyfriend. James died. They are so cute. And from that moment James knew that whatever ever happens he will always want his best friends to be together. The complete each other. They are good for each other. Both of them have been through so much, they need each other.
"Babe, soon everybody will know..." Remus said.
"Then maybe we should do something..." Sirius said and looked between James and Remus. James looked at him, what the hell was Sirius talking about?
"What?" James asked.
"We should choose how we want to come out." Sirius said, a grin on his face. Remus looked kind of terrified but he still smiled.
"What do you have in mind?"

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