Chapter 9: Confessions and kisses

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Chapter 9: Confessions and kisses


Remus breathed heavily, he looked at the man in front of him, the man he loves. That loves him back. Sirius just said that he loves him. Sirius Black loves him. The love of his life loves him. SIRIUS BLACK LOVES HIM, REMUS LUPIN. He couldn't believe this. Sirius could get anyone in this whole world, and still he chose Remus, a monster. A werewolf. Sirius was into guys. Remus had always wondered why Sirius declined all the girls who asked him out. Maybe it could be because he is in love with Remus. Sirius Black just told him that he love him. Remus couldn't believe this. He couldn't. But still, he could hear Sirius' voice "Whom Im in love with." He looked down on Sirius, the man met his eyes.
"You do?" Remus whispered.
"I do, I'm in love with you Remus Lupin." Sirius looked him in the eyes.
"Is this some kind of joke?" Remus said.
"Why would I joke about this?"
"How could you ever love me?"
"Because you are you. You are Remus Lupin. An insecure, loving, loveable, amazing, cute, beautiful, funny, nerdy, book loving, awesome, kind man. That I have been in love with for years. I know you don't feel that way about me. But maybe..maybe you will understand the there are people out here, who loves you, for who you are. Who knows you are not a monster. And..-"
But in that moment Remus couldn't stop himself, he just did it. He kissed Sirius. He leaned forward and kissed those lips he had always wanted to kiss. Sirius's lips were soft. He tasted good. He grabbed Sirius and pulled him closer, biting his lips. When they finally let go Sirius stared at him.
"Why would you do that?" he said.
"Because I love you. I'm in love with you." Remus said, breathing heavily.
"You don't have to say that just to make me feel better.." Sirius looked down.
"Hey love? Look at me." Sirius looked up. "I don't. I do love you. I'm madly in love with you. I have been for years."
"You have been in love with me for years?" Sirius said.
"Yeah.." Now it was Remus turn to look down.
"I have been in love with you since I met you. That little boy. And then this year you came back, all changed.." Sirius said, Remus looked up.
"Changed..?" He asked.
"You came back, and you were so tall. You had your broad shoulders and muscular arms. Merlin, muscular body. And yeah..that's why I might have been acting weird..I have been acting weird..because you just-you changed so much. You stopped being a boy. You became a man. And I-yeah.." Sirius blushed.
"You are adorable." Remus said.
"Oh stop it." Sirius blushed even more.
"You are, blushing and stuttering. Adorable." He answered, laughing softly.
"I'm not adorable!"
"You are, baby. You are." Remus said, and kissed him again. The love of his life. His long time crush. The man who love him for who he is, the man who dont let anything scare him away. The man who constantly tells Remus that he isn't a monster. The man Remus is madly in love with.


Kissing Remus was wonderful. He was so soft, his lips were soft, the kiss was soft. But it was still needy, after years of liking each other, how could it not? They kissed and kissed and kissed. If Sirius would have decided, they could have kissed all day, he wouldn't mind. Not at all. But after about 15 minutes Remus slowly let go.
"What's wrong?" Sirius asked.
"Love, we have to go and eat dinner." Remus said.
"Do we have to gooo?"
"Yeah. Otherwise we won't get to eat anything. And people will wonder.." Remus was right.
"You are right..fuck I hate when you are right."
"I love you too." Remus laughed a little. Sirius just..he had to ask..
"Yeah?" Remus looked at him.
"What are we..?"
"Depends..what do you want us to be?"

"I want us to be...together.." Sirius blushed, "Fuck..I'm making a total fool of myself.."
"No babe, no. I would like if we were together." Remus said and smiled. Sirius had never been happier.
"Then I guess we are." He said.
"Do you want everybody to know, love?" Remus asked.
"I'm not out yet...and neither are you..."
"So secret then?" Remus said and Sirius nodded.
"If that's okay with you..? Just for a little while..?" Maybe Sirius had destroyed everything now.
"That's okay, babe." Remus said,
"I love you."
"I love you too." Sirius smiled so big.
"Shall we go?"
"Yeah..just one more kiss?"
"Okay babe." They kissed again and Sirius never wanted to stop, but he knew they needed to go. They parted. too soon for both of their liking.
"Lets go, babe." Sirius said and took Remus' hand.

They entered the great hall just in time. James looked at them. Wondering.
"Where have you guys been?" He whispered.
Remus sat down on the other side of the table, in front of James and expected Sirius to sit down on his usual place, besides James, but instead Sirius sat down besides Remus.
"We have just been..talking.."
Then, thank Merlin, Peter came and sat down besides James. He started talking about his break and all the fun stuff he had done. Soon he and James were in a discussion about who got the best christmas gifts, but Sirius didn't listen. Because Remus leaned in and whispered in his ear.
"You will get your present later, since you we couldn't give them as usual. I love the books by the way."
"I'm glad." Sirius whispered. He smiled at Remus who smiled back. James looked at them, suspicious.
"What's happening? Something wrong?"
"Nothing. Everything is great. Couldn't be better. We are back here, at hogwarts." Sirius said. Turns out he was wrong, because as James and Peter got back to talking about the break. Sirius just sat there, glancing on Remus. Then he felt fingers over his hand as Remus slowly wrapped his fingers around his and squeezed his hand. He looked up and smiled at Remus. Now, life really couldn't be better.

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