Chapter 4: Oh boy, you are in trouble.

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Chapter 4: Oh boy, you are in big trouble.


Luckily for Remus, Sirius didn't mention the as Remus now has begun to call "the incident". And Remus was happy about it. Really. It was just that, one small part of him maybe wanted Sirius to mention it. Sirius to tell Remus that he loved him. Because all Remus wanted was to call Sirius "love" again. But who was he kidding? Sirius was straight, he saw Remus as a brother, he would never ever go for him. Remus, the werewolf. Sirius could get anyone in this world. He would never want to be with Remus. So Remus just had to get over him. Unfortunately for Remus, he realized that, he couldn't. Weeks went by, months and Remus just couldn't get over the dark haired man. Sirius was still acting weird, like very careful and caring around Remus, like Remus would break. But sometimes also as if just couldn't be near Remus. And Remus was hurt. He wondered if Sirius got the letters after all. But it seemed like he didn't. But as the time went by, even thought Sirius was acting weird, Remus little, big, crush had now blown out in a great, deep love for the man. And he couldn't get over Sirius. And even more unfortunately for Remus. Sirius was Sirius. He walked in two the room after he showered with just a towel around his waist, his abs visible, his long hair that was wet after the shower. He hugged Remus, and James sometimes even Peter all the time. He took care of Remus after the full moons, looked at Remus with caring eyes. He joked. He laughed his beautiful laugh. And Remus just fell deeper and deeper. It now torture being with Sirius, his Sirius, without be able to hold his hand, kiss him, have Sirius sitting in his lap at late nights in the common room, hell Remus would even share his chocolate with Sirius. And he never did that with anyone. No one ever got Remus' chocolate. It was when Remus thought this, he knew just how much he loved Sirius.

Two months after "the incident" they were in potion class and the thing that Remus soon would call "the incident 2" happened. They were working on a new potion. Sirius was concentrated, he had always been a talent in potion, Remus was just okay, even thought he was excellent in almost all classes he was just okay in potions, so every time he got paired up with Sirius, Sirius did the work and Remus assisted him. And that was the case today too.
Sirius worked, concentrated on the potion, Draught of living death, Remus was watching, concentrated on Sirius.
"Remmie give me the Valerian roots."
"The Valerian roots, i need them now."
"Okay,okay." Remus gave them over to Sirius. "Here you go."
"Thanks, love." Sirius kept working but Remus froze.
Was that imagination? Did Sirius Orion Black just call him "love"? "Love", like Remus called him two months ago?? No it couldn't be possible, this was some kind of joke. This had to be some kind of joke. Sirius was just fucking with him. Of course he was. Yeah, Sirius had finally decided that he would say something about "the incident" or not say something, apparently Sirius didn't even had the guts to talk about it, he had to joke about it, make a fool of Remus about it. Remus had to admit, it didn't seem like Sirius, Sirius joked about everything and everyone, but not with Remus, their relationship was special in that way. But still Remus couldn blame him, he hadn't even thought about bringing it up. Remus was a coward, But as he looked at Sirius he saw him, concentrated on the draught of living potion he was making. There was two options, one: Sirius was a very good actor, or two: Sirius was calling him "love" for the same reasons Remus called Sirius "love" that day after the full moon, he was concentrated on something else, he didn't think, he let his emotions spill out. And if it was like that, did that mean Sirius loved him back?


Sirius realized that he was dull two months after the, as he now calls it "the day I realized that Remus lupin might be in love with me too". But that was a really long name, so as he thought about it (and talked to James about it "Padfoot, I have heard it two thousand times already. Can you please shut the hell up!") alot he had come up with a shorter name "the incident". They were in potions, he asked for the Valerian roots, Remus gave them to him, and he did the mistake. "Thanks love". He didn't even think about it at first, just got back to the potion, draught of living. It was when he felt Remus freeze besides him he realized his mistake. He knew Remus called him "love" first. But he was sure it was just because of his condition. But now, when Sirius said it, he, he- fuck. What was he supposed to do? But instead of doing anything he just kept on working on the potion. He knew that he should have talked to Remus about it, but he couldn't. Really he should have talked to Remus after "the incident". But he couldn't make himself do it. Because he wasn't sure if Remus even remembered.

He finished the potion, it was hard to make and he didn't do it exactly as he cold but he thought he and Remus would pass anyway. It wasn't as bad as for some of the others. But Sirius still couldn't look Remus in the eyes. This was so weird. He couldn't deal with this. He needed to tell Remus.
"Yes Pads?"
"Ehm about..-" Sirius got interrupted by Peter and James.
"Let's go to lunch, shall we?" James said.
"Yeah..." Remus said.
"Ehm, I gotta talk to James...we will catch up with you guys later.." Sirius said. He didn't know what to do, he had to talk to his best friend.
"Okay." Peter said. "Lets go Moony." Remus gave Sirius a strange look but walked out with Peter. James looked at him.
"Whats up, Padfoot?"
"I called Remus "love" and I-"
"Oh scream louder, Prongs i don't think the whole school heard."
"Im sorry Pads. But you called Remus love?"
"Yeah, I did.."
"And we didn't talk about it or anything..but now he will think that I am madly in love with him.."
"But you are madly in love with him!"
"I know! But he will understand that now."
"Oh boy, you are in big trouble."

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