Chapter 2: Broad shoulders

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Chapter 2: Broad shoulders.


Sirius was acting weird as hell. Okay to be honest, Sirius had always been weird, but that's besides the point. Remus was really worried that maybe Sirius got his letters. What would he say then? What would he do? It wasn't like he could deny it. Because it was all true. He could have wrote to James, because James would have answered. But Remus kind of didn't want to talk about it. He just wanted to get it out. If Sirius would have spent the summer with him, he probably would have told him in person. He trusted James but Sirius and his relation was special. Maybe he shouldn't really be so comfortable. Because he might just have a tiny little crush on Sirius. Maybe you could say that it was a big crush. But that didn't make him less sure about himself around Sirius. Sirius was always the one who tried to convince Remus that he wasn't a monster. Sometimes Remus even believed him...But since they didn't spend the summer together, he wrote to Sirius. Knowing that Sirius probably wouldn't answer or even read the letters. But now, Sirius was acting weird as hell. Maybe  he had got the letters, and thought that Remus was a freak, a monster. But it would be weird, Sirius was the one who always took care of him. Sirius truly believed that Remus wasn't a monster.

The first week at hogwarts was..weird. Sirius was weird again, it had stopped for a while, he was himself when Remus and Peter came back to the carriage with the snacks. But now he was weird again and Remus missed him. So so much. He missed their midnight talks, he missed the hugs, he missed Sirius talking about shit, he missed Sirius. And now Remus was sure. Something was wrong. He decided to talk to James. It would be weird, but he needed to know what the hell was wrong with Sirius. He knew that Sirius wouldn't be with James, he had detention. And since other times Sirius and James was inseparable, Remus had to talk to James now.

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