Chapter 13: Perfectly happy

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Chapter 13: Perfectly happy


When Sirius is up to something, he is very...focused and gives all to it. Remus had noticed that over the years. And now? Sirius was determined. Remus still didn't know what the plan was. Sirius wouldn't tell him, but it was Sirius's doing. It would be big and cool and just..Sirius. It would probably be too much for Remus's liking, but if Sirius wanted them to come out in some special way, he would do it, anything to please his boyfriend. But still, something in his mind told him that maybe there was another way..maybe he could do something. Sirius wanted to do something big that probably would be embarrassing for Remus, what if Remus did something first? Something that would be most embarrassing for Sirius...It had to have something to do with them..him..being a werewolf...sweaters...what would make Sirius embarrassed..? An idea was forming in Remus's head...

Four days later


Remus was tired. James could see that from a long way. He obviously didn't sleep so much last night. Because of reasons he refused to tell James, even after minutes of nagging. James had some ideas since the curtains to Sirius's bed had been closed when James woke up around midnight. Remus's bed was empty. That's when Sirius walked in to the great hall. Everybody stared. Remus looked down with a grin on his lips. James looked between them. Because what he, and all the other people in the great hall, was a literal...special...sight. Sirius Black walked in, his cheeks red, wearing Remus's sweater, and over all the spots of skin you could see, there were hickeys. James stared. Then his gaze went over to Remus. Remus was sitting there, staring at his boyfriend, loving eyes and a big proud smile on his lips. That's when James realized what Remus's plan was. It was genius really. Remus embarrass Sirius. They are not out yet. So when Sirius later do the big thing he is planning, Remus has already embarrassed Sirius. And when Sirijus do his..thing everybody will know that it was Remus who got him covered in hickeys. But, James is James. That's why he as Sirius got closer, said with a loud clear voice:
"Merlin Remus, got a little carried away did we?" Remus stared at him. James stared back. Sirius stared at them both. Remus went deep red as the whole great hall stared at them. James grinned. Sirius smirked. Then Remus opened his mouth, even though his face still were deep red, his voice was clear and calm.
"Not really. Just as much as usual." Now it was Sirius, who now was standing right where the other marauders sat, turn to blush. The hall was totally silent. You could have dropped a needle and heard when it landed. Sirius slowly sat down besides his boyfriend.
"Hi babe." Remus said with a smile.
"Fuck you." Sirius said.
"Oh you w-" James really didn't wanna hear that and that's why he interrupted Remus.
"Too much information!"


Sirius woke up early that morning. For once. Remus was still sleeping besides him, his arms around Sirius. He slowly turned around and looked at his boyfriend, sleeping peacefully. Sirius love him so much. He had a plan. To announce their relationship to the whole school. But then Remus did his "plan" and now Sirius didn't know. Was it even worth it? Everybody basically already knew, did he really care if they knew? He was happy, with his Remus. They could just, live, do things that couples do. Sirius really didn't care anymore. He had Remus. The man he love. The love of his life actually. Everything was perfect. Remus opened his eyes and met Sirius's gaze.
"Good morning babe." Sirius said and kissed his nose.
"Morning." Remus said, tiredly. He groaned and covered his face in the pillow. Sirius couldn't stop looking at him. He was so precious, so cute, so perfect.
"Baby?" Sirius said.
"Mm?" Remus answered, head still in his pillow.
"We have to get up, it's breakfast and classes start soon."
"But I don't wanna.." Remus said and looked at Sirius with puppy eyes. Sirius laughed softly, his boyfriend was really fucking adorable.
"Remmie. We don't have a choice."
"I knoooow." Remus groaned again but he sat up.
His hair was messy from sleep, his eyes tired and he looked so cute in his shirt that was a little too big. Sirius couldn't help but kiss him.

20 minutes later

They entered the great hall together. Sirius was wearing one of Remus's sweaters. He was happy. He loved the soft fabric and the smell of Remus. They sat down opposite of James, Lily and Peter.
"Hi guys." Sirius said.
"Morning." James said.
James started talking about some prank. Sirius would have listened but all he could think of was Remus, who was sitting besides him. Their legs touching. Life was great. Life was fantastic. Remus took his hand is his and squeezed..
"What do you think? Padfoot? Pads?!!" James's voice.
"What..?" Sirius asked. James rolled his eyes.
"Eheh about our next prank?" He said.
"Aha..Ehm..well..what does Moony say?" Sirius said. James rolled his eyes. Again.
"That wasn't my question."
"Sorry Jamie, I didn't listen. Can you tell me about it again?"
"Oh I know you didn't listen. You're too busy doing god knows what with Remus."
"We weren't doing anything." Remus objected.
"Look, I get that you guys are all "happy and in love" and I'm happy for you. But now, back to the prank." James started talking again but Sirius didn't listen this time either. James could talk. It wasn't like he was mad for real. He just wanted to do the prank. But all the was on Sirius's mind was Remus, the way his fingers squeezed Sirius's hand. He looked at him, Remus met his gaze and smiled. That smile that Sirius would die for. Everything was perfect. Remus was perfect. Sirius was perfectly happy.

This was the last chapter of this fanfiction. Thank y'all for reading it and having patience❤️

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