Chapter 1: No,no,no,no.

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Chapter 1 of Monsters inside: No,no,no,no.


Sirius entered Kings cross with hurried steps. He ran through the wall and in to platform 9 ¾. He looked around. He looked for a face, a face of James or Remus or even Peter. He didn't see any of them. Maybe they weren't here yet? Then in the middle of all the people he saw a brown messy hair, James. He pushed through all the people and poked his best friend on the shoulder. A smiling James Potter turned around and looked at him.
"Padfoot!" James said and hugged him.
"Hi Prongs! How was your summer?"
"Great, i could ask how yours was, but I already know the answer."
"Yeah..It was awful, but now the fun begins."
"Yeah it does. I have planned so much pranks."

"That is great, I can't wait to hear about them. Where is Moony and Wormtail?"
"I haven't seen them yet."
"I wonder where-" Sirius got interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Prongs, Pads, long time no see."
Sirius turned around. Standing there, was Remus Lupin. His Remus Lupin. The little boy he had known since he was eleven, the one he had taken care of every full moon, the reason why he, James and Peter became animagus, the chocolate lover, the book nerd, the boy with long sweaters. The same Remus. But still not exactly the same. This Remus was tall, really tall, he had broad shoulders and muscular arms. This wasn't the Remus he said goodbye to in the begging of the summer, this Remus was new. Suddenly Sirius felt a weird feeling in his stomach, one he had never felt before.
"Siri?" Remus voice brought him back to reality.

"Oh-eeh-ehm sorry.." James looked at him in a strange way and his eyes said "what's wrong with you?"
"Don't be sorry. What happened?" Remus looked concern.
"Nothing. It's good seeing you again, Re."
"It's good seeing you too, Pads..."
"Erhm." James cleared his throat.
Remus shaked his head.
"Uhm yeah."
"So, as I was saying-" Remus and James talked but Sirius didn't listen, his eyes were fixed on the tall, handsome guy in front of him.

A while later Peter came and they entered the train.. Sirius sat down and James on the opposite of him. Then Remus entered the carriage. Sirius thoughts took over.

Was Remus gonna sit down besides him? Did he want Remus to sit besides him? Why did he think this way, of course he wanted Remus to sit with him. Remus was his best mate. Obviously. Totally. Remus sat down besides him. F*ck. No, no, no, no, no. Sirius felt the panic as their shoulders touched. He couldn't sit besides Remus, this wouldn't work out. Why did he have to be so handsome? Why, why, why? Sirius had always kind of had a crush on his best friend but now? After Remus were out, or could you say in, puberty? Sirius wasn't sure, maybe Remus would change even more?! What would he do then? This Remus wasn't the same kid that Sirius always had to protect and take care of after full moon. This was Remus John Lupin, a young adult, that were able to protect himself, that were handsome in a whole other way.

Remus had always been handsome, but cute handsome. Now he was handsome, handsome. And Sirius almost couldn't hold back the urge to kiss him. What were he suppose to do? Their legs touched. Sirius died. Okay he didn't exactly die, but almost. Remus looked at him, concerned.
"Pads are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine, perfectly fine."
"It doesn't seem that way." Sirius had to make up an excuse, right now. Come up with something now, now, now, now.
"Ehm..It's just, i am so happy we are finally on our way back to hogwarts. And I don't need to be in that house for another year."
"That is understable. You sure you are okay?" Sirius managed to smile.
F*ck, f*ck, f*ck. Sirius was gonna die.

After a while of talking about pranks and their summers Peter was hungry, Remus was in need of chocolate, James was in need of meeting Lily Evans and Sirius was in need of breathing. Remus and Peter left to get some food, chocolate and Sirius and James stayed in the carriage. The minute the others left, James looked at him.
"If you don't stop, he is gonna figure it out."
"Figure what out?"
"Please Padfoot, you couldn't be more obvious."
"Prongs what the hell are you talking about?"
"You. Starring. At. Remus. You. acting. weird. as. hell."
"I'm not acting weird.."
"Pads, I know you are in love with him."
"I'm not.."
"Don't even try."
"Padfoot, this doesn't change anything, you are still my best mate. But if you don't want Moony to know, try to be a little less obvious."
Sirius felt the panic, if James Potter, the man who don't get obvious hints, he had tried asking Evans out for years, the man who is blind for most part when it has to do with stuff like this. If James Potter knew about his a little more than a crush on Remus, then how long would it be before Remus himself found out?

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