Chapter 10: When James realize something is up

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Chapter 10: When James realize something is up. 


Remus was happy. Genuinely happy. He had kissed Sirius Black. Actually he was together with Sirius Black. Sirius Orion Black was Remus' boyfriend. After all the secrets, after Siris found out what Remus had done, Sirius still wanted to be with him. Sirius loved him. Even thought he knew what Remus was and what he had done. Remus couldn't believe it. He looked at the note in his hand and the words written on it "You look good when you are concentrated, babe." He got it from Sirius today in charms. He looked up and met Sirius grinning face as he winked at him. Remus rolled his eyes and tried to hide the blush on his cheeks. God he loved that man. After all those years, they were finally together. Maybe not in public yet, but Remus really didn't care. He wasn't out yet so them keeping it a secret was really not bothering him, it was good actually. And he was sure that when the time came and Sirius was ready to tell everyone, Remus wouldn't mind at all being out and in love.

That evening Remus was sitting on a couch in the common room, reading as usual, when Sirius entered the room. He looked around, met Remus gaze and he smiled wide. Then Sirius walked over to him, still smiling big. Remus really loved Sirius' smile.
"Hi Moons, what's up?" He said and sit down besides Remus.
"I'm reading...?" Remus looked at him, Sirius was really acting weird.
"That's fun." Fun? FUN? Sirius Black just said reading was fun!
"Are you sick or something?" Remus said and Sirius looked at him with a weird face expression.
"No..why?" He asked.
"You said reading was fun." Remus looked at him. His hair was a little beautiful.
"It is!" Sirius said.
"Okay..." Remus gave him a skeptical look.
"Sooo can I get some of that chocolate?" Sirius asked.
"No." Aha, thats what Sirius was trying to get.
"Please." Sirius did his puppy eyes but Remus had decided, he wouldn't give in.
"No." He said.
"Please, for me" Sirius leaned in and whispered.  "your boyfriend." Remus blushed a little and smiled, Sirius really was his boyfriend.
"...Fine.." Remus said.
"Yayyy" Sirius smiled wide. 
Then Sirius laid down on the couch with his head in Remus' lap. Remus looked at him with horror but Sirius seemed very calm.
"Read to me?" he asked.
"Ehm..sure..." Remus said and opened his book again.


They thought he wouldn't notice. But something was happening between Sirius and Remus. He had no idea what it was, but it was something and he had to figure out what it was. They weren't fighting, that was one thing he was very sure of. If something they had been even closer lately. He wasn't jealous, he had Lily. Even if it was usually James Sirius was sitting besides in class and James he hugged and James he talked to and teased, James didn't feel jealous. Okay maybe a little, but they were James and Sirius. Still. But as said, he was happy, he had Lily. And Sirius and Remus. And Peter of course. Whatever was going on between his two best friends he was happy for them, he was sure it was good for both of them. They were happier than before. He shouldn't mind them. He should keep to his own business. But something was up with his two best friends and he had to figure out what was happening, because if it was one thing James Potter was it was a curious little asshole, who couldn't keep himself to his own business. But that's how he is, and now he was sure. He had to find out what the hell was going on between his two best friends.

He started suspecting it in charms about three days after "the day Sirius and Remus was late and Sirius abboned him" or as he also called it "the incident". Sirius was sitting besides James, but suddenly he stood up and walked past Remus, as he passed James saw how Sirius gave Remus a piece of paper. Remus looked up at Sirius with a questioning look. Sirius walked to his seat again.
"What did you do?" James asked. Sirius didn't even look at him, his gaze was stuck on Remus.
"Nothing." Sirius answered.
"Okay.." James looked at Remus who was looking down on the paper Sirius gave him, then he looked up. James Potter might have a very bad eyesight, he wore glasses and all, but he was sure of what he saw right there and then. Remus John Lupin was sitting there and he was BLUSHING. BLUSHING!! Remus blushing wasn't exactly something special if you thought about it. He blushed all the time, when someone teased him or made him uncomfortable. It was actually what they did afterwards that was when James realized that something was up, because as Remus starred at Sirius, and Sirius starred back at him, Remus smiled shyly at Sirius. When James then took all his attention to Sirius he was shocked. Sirius had a light blush on his cheeks and was grinning wide as he stared back at Remus. That's when James realized that something was seriously wrong. SERIOUSLY WRONG. Or not wrong, but something was definitely up. Because Sirius Orion Black doesn't blush. He just doesn't.

Later that day James was just on his way home from a date with Lily. It wasn't really a date, but they hanged out and he asked her out to do it, so he called it a date. As he entered the common room he saw Sirius and Remus. Sirius was laying on the couch in Remus' lap while Remus was reading to him. Remus read to Siris? How-what-ehm-why? Sirius hated books. But it seemed like everything Sirius used to hate, he now liked as long as it somehow involved Remus. James walked up to them.
"Hi guys." He said.
"Hi Jamie." Remus said and looked up from is book. Sirius just nodded at him.
"What's up?" James said.
"Moony are just reading to me." Sirius said but he didn't look at James, his gaze were stuck on Remus' face.
"That's fun..?" James answered.
"Yeah it is." Sirius said and ate a piece of chocolate. Chocolate. Sirius never had his own chocolate and now he was laying here, in Remus' lap and he was eating chocolate. It had to be Remus' chocolate..but it couldn't couldn't be Remus' chocolate. Because if it was something that was even more weird than Sirius blushing and voluntary listen to someone that read, it was Remus giving away his chocolate. That didn't happen. It didn't. But now James saw how Remus took one more piece of chocolate and GAVE it to Sirius. What the hell was going on?
"I'm going upstairs." He said slowly.
"Okay, see you later Prongs." Sirius said.
As James walked up the stairs he couldn't stop thinking about it. Something was going on between his two best friends, first the note, the blush, the reading and the chocolate... He had to figure out what the hell was going on.

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