just another day

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        ~~~Ink's pov~~~

I woke up to the sound of a beeping alarm just like I would any day. I turn it off and stretch. Then go downstairs, I eat a bowl of cereal and turn the tv on, When i'm done I go back upstairs and get dressed. my long scarf drags along the floor as I finish getting ready. I grab my stuff and run out the door to see Dream and Blue waiting for me. "hey guys!" I call to them, we wave at each other and then start walking to school. 

We get to school a few minutes before the bell rings and all walk to our class, we were lucky to have the most of the same classes.  "C'mon, we have science right now!" Dream says, we all run to the science classroom and sit at our desks.  The classroom had multiple posters up about different things we had learned so far in the year. I looked at the posters and wondered what we might do today. It was when I heard my name being called that I looked away from the poster to see a teacher standing  in the doorway of the classroom.  "Ink" she repeated, I immediately stood up and walked to the doorway, seeing multiple people in the classroom staring at  me. The teacher and I walked out of the classroom and into the hallway, where I see three skeletons that seemed to be waiting, they were short, shorter than me, which would be a surprise to a lot of people in the school. 

"Ink I would like you to meet our new students, they just transferred here from another school, there is Aiko, Blaise, Aku,  and-" the teacher was nodding at them as she told their names but stopped, the three new students looked at her. "where is Alok?" the teacher asked them.  "behind you" Aku said. I looked at him confused and turned around to see another skeleton hanging upside down, in the air??? This startled me a little as the skeleton was looking right at me, I could here small giggles and chuckles from behind me. "Alok, would you please stand by your siblings?" the teacher asked, wait these four were siblings??? I'd never seen a skeleton with more than two siblings! Then again that was probably because most of the skeletons here only had one. 

I watched as the fourth one, which was Alok according to the teacher, flip onto the floor and land on his feet. The skeleton walked past me and towards his siblings, standing next to them. I studied the four, Aku had a purple hoodie on, with the hood shadowing his face, he also wore navy blue sweat pants that looked a little big on him.   I was a little curious about what his face looked like, oh well. Aiko, the sister, had green eyes, she had a large scratch across one and she wore a green hoodie and black leggings.  Blaise scares me a little, he has red eyes that seem to glow like flames and he had a really big crack in his skull, so big he only had one eye, pretty much half his face looked like it had been smashed off,  he wears a red T-shirt and brown shorts.  The last one, Alok, had yellow eyes that looked like lightning bolts, I kinda thought that was cool, he had an emotionless expression, he wore a yellow T-shirt and had the same style brown shorts that Blaise had on. 

Aku seemed a little nervous and he shifted his hood, the shadow seemed to darken and cover more of his face. My curiosity overcame me and I said "hey, aren't hoods not allowed?" well it was true, but I still felt a little guilty because Aku looked up at me, and then the teacher.  Aku obviously didn't want to take his hood off.  "yes, that is correct, Aku" the teacher looked at the hooded skeleton. "will you please take your hood off?" the teacher asked. Aku looked at the teacher, then his siblings and then at the ground.  Aku muttered something under his breath. "d-do I have to?" Aku asks, the teacher nods and Aku seems a little more nervous, why did he not want anyone to see his face so badly?  Maybe he was self-conscious?   "why do you wear your hood?"  I ask, Aku looks at me and says "b-because I don't l-like how I look" I looked down at him with a surprised expression, I guess he is kinda self-conscious...   I thought.  "don't worry,  a lot of the kids in this school look strange, you don't have to hide what you look like." I said trying to be encouraging.  

Jeez I don't think that came out right. I thought, but it must've worked because Aku shifted his hood so it didn't shadow his face, but he still kept it on. "Aku be polite" Aiko said, I looked over at her. She obviously didn't like Aku with his hood on either. Aku took his hood off, he had devil-like horns, one was half broken off,  which kinda surprised me because none of his siblings had anything like that.  he had a lot of little scars on his face along with three big slashes across both his eyes like some kind of wild cat scratched him.  Another thing that surprised me was a few little glitches I saw, they reminded me of Error's glitches, but Aku had only a few that popped up here and there. Aku saw the glitches and took a few deep breaths, the glitches disappeared and he looked back up at me. "happy?" he asked, I could tell it was a statistical question and looked at the four again. I noticed that Aku's eyes looked a lot like Blaise's, then something caught my attention, his eyes changed, they now looked like purple crescent moons.

 I noticed another thing, they all had some kind of locket attached to a chain around their necks. Aiko's looked like a jade leaf, Blaise's was a ruby ninja star, Alok's was gold and looked like a book,  and Aku's was a amethyst crescent moon, like his eyes.  "so, now that that's out of the way, Ink, I would like you to show our new students around"  the teacher told me. "alrighty" I answered. I looked at her, and then back at the four, I must be blind or something because I only just now realized they all looked kinda young for high schoolers. "how... old are all of you?" I ask "twelve" they all answer at the same time. They were 12!? I was surprised, these four are probably really smart to be in grade 10 at twelve years old.  "wow, so you must've skipped a few grades" I said, the four nodded. The teacher gave me a pat on the shoulder and walked down a different hall. I stared at the four, they all stared back.  "let's go" I said, they nodded again and followed me as I walked down a hall and started to tell them about the school and show them different classrooms and tell them what they were. "Ink is it?" Aku asked a little later, I turned my head to look at him, smiled, and nodded at the same time. 

"nice to meet you I guess" Aku said. 

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