"I got a bad feeling"

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~~~~time skip~~~~

~~~Ink's pov~~~

    Ever since I overheard the siblings conversation yesterday, I couldn't help but ask myself a whole bunch of questions.  What do they mean help? Where did they get their strange powers?  Have they helped with murder cases before?  I decided to do a little research.  My curiosity had once again won.  During break I went into the library  and got a computer.  I searched "kids that help with murder cases" the only thing I got was a bunch of sites about psycho kids and shootings.  so I tried "mysterious cases solved by kids"  I got a bunch of missing kid cases.  Nothing answered any of my questions.  I had a weird feeling about those four new students.  "what are you doing?" I look behind me to see Red standing behind me. "nothing...." I sigh and close down the computer. 

~~~~time skip~~~~

  After school Dream and I waved goodbye and went our separate ways to each other's houses.  I walk down the street to get to my house.  Out of the corner of my eye socket I see something in a alleyway.  I look over, I was always  creeped out by alleyways, I saw a spike, then shadows running into another alleyway.  I cross the street to get to the alleyway and peek through it.  at first I don't see or hear anything.  Maybe i've gone crazy I think.  Then I see another spike and walk into the alleyway, I turn the corner into another alleyway and see Aku, I duck behind the wall but peek back to see Aku's hands and feet had been duck taped together, there was tape over his mouth as well.  I see him struggling to get it off with his spikes.  I also see that his arm looked like it was broken, but I couldn't get a good look, he had scratches and blood was dripping from his head.  (someone hurt da smol *le GASP*)I step into the alleyway he was in.  He obviously didn't recognize me at first because he looked at me and flared his wings. 

   "woah it's ok Aku, it's me, Ink" I say, he looks at me for another second and summons a spike that cuts right through the tape that bound his hands.  I walk up to him, he takes the tape off his hands and mouth, that's when I saw his arm was in fact broken, I also saw he was glitching a little bit. He glared up at me as I kneeled down in front of him.    "are you ok?" I ask him. "y-ya, fine" he says, I see him shift his arm as if he was trying to hide it from me.  "are you sure? your arm is broken" I say.  He looks at me, I look at the blood that was coming from his broken arm.  "you're also bleeding quite a bit" I mention. looking at the bleeding injury on his head.  "I can heal myself" Aku says.   I raise an 'eyebrow' at him. 

     "what?" he asks, "how would you heal yourself? Sure we have healing magic but it's not that strong, it's mostly for minor cuts and bruises, not gashes and broken bones" I say, he looks at me curiously, then looks down at his arm. Aku stands up and starts limping out of the alleyway.  "hey, where are you going???" I question.  "to my siblings,  if we all work together we can heal me" Aku responds. I stand up and follow him. "why are you following me?" Aku asks. "because...I just want to make sure you get home safe I guess" I tell him. 

~~~Quissen's pov~~~

    I grab all my stuff and start walking home with Ace. "Brother, I have some important things to do right now. I'll meet you at home later." Ace says, I simply nod, we part ways and I continue walking home. It was a few miles so it took a decent amount of time to get home, the only reason I never teleported home was because honestly I liked the walk.  I stop, suddenly having the feeling I was being watched.  I summon my sword, it glows red as I hold it in a defensive way. I look around, it was a little hard to see because of my mask. After a few seconds of standing there my sword disappears. I'm just being paranoid I think to myself.  I continue my walk.   A little while later I was only about half a mile from Ace and I's house. I turn the corner of a building "heya senpaiiiii" Someone appears in front of me, I jump and summon my sword "HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS CHRIST" I yell.  

"Aww what's wrong senpai? did I scaaaare you?" They say, I realize it was Ash, he had his green scarf on and was wearing a blue sweater, along with gold pants and brown tenni shoes.  "Great, it's you" I say rolling my eyes. "what do you want?" I ask, glaring down at him.  I was a lot taller than him, but he was also one of the shortest people in the school.  Ash chuckles, I already knew he was gonna ask me to go on a date with him, He's had this stupid crush on me for a while and it's all he asks whenever we see each other.  "I just wanted to ask if you-" Ash starts but I walk away before he finishes, taking a longer way home, there was no way I was going to lead him to my house.  I look back and see he was in fact following me. "I already knew what you were going to ask, and the answer is no" I say.  "aw c'mon, you might start liking me back" He says and walks in front of me, facing me then stopping. I roll my eyes again, "psychopath" I call him.  'psychopath' was a common name for Ash, considering he always says he's talking to demons and the fact he gives of the impression of a freaking yandere. 

   I walk past him and look behind me to he he'd disappeared. I decide to walk to the park just in case.  I look around the park and see a familiar hoodie,  light purple with spikes on the hood. Axel, but he wasn't alone, I saw someone sitting with him on a bench.  I smirk and walk over, I duck behind a tree just in case it wasn't him. (lol when you think you see your friend but you're to paranoid to call their name because you're not sure it's them) Then I saw it, clear as day, even with my mask on.  It was Axel, sitting on a bench and drinking boba tea with a girl.  so Axel has a little girlfriend I think to myself and chuckle.  The girl had pale white skin and was wearing a white dress with silver swirl patterns on it.  She had silver wings and curved goat horns. She had short hair that was tinted pink, and had a little purple heart hair clip.  Aw, she even got all dressed up for the date I think and chuckle again.  Being the kind of friend I was I stepped out from behind the tree and teleported beside Axel. "heya Axel, watcha doing?" I ask, my smirk hidden by my mask. Axel practically choked on his boba tea.  "Quissen! I- uh- what are YOU doing here?" he asks. "I asked first" I say. "I'm uh- just talking with Hope" he says. so that's his little girlfriend's name I think. I look at Hope, she stared at me with an expression I couldn't read.  

   "so, you have friends beside me and Ace? Or is Hope more than a friend?" I ask doing everything in my power not to burst out laughing. "um-I-I mean-" Axel starts, he looks at Hope and then back at me. "Hey! I asked what you were doing here too!" he says,  I roll my eyes, stubborn little- "What? i'm not allowed to take a stroll through the park?" I answer his question with another one, he rolls his eyes, I saw he was blushing a little, I laugh "Wow Axel! AHA! I didn't know you could even get a girlfriend!" I say chuckling. Axel glares at me.   "She's-! I-mean we-!" he yells in frustration at me, I just laugh, I look at him and realize his eyes were glowing black.  "don't worry Axel, your secrets safe with me" I say and look over to see Hope was now also glaring at me.  I chuckle. "welp, I gotta go now bye!"  I say quickly and teleport away.   

~~~author's note~~~

I needed a few ships in the story i'm sorry XD.   

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