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~Eric's pov~

  I slammed myself against the door for about the hundredth time trying to get out. I whimper and rub my shoulder. I sigh I don't wanna be in here forever! When are they coming back!? I question in my head. I look at the window, can I survive a two story fall? Probably not. I walk up and open the window, for some reason it wasn't locked. I walk out onto the roof and carefully look out at the view, I close the window and take a step forward but, being the clumsy dumb human I am I slip and start slipping down until I fell off the edge "AIEEEEEE!" I scream covering my face with my hands. Oh god this is how I die!? Suddenly I felt someone catch me and land on the ground. I was put down, I peek and see a skeleton, wait... "PAPERJAM!?" I question backing away.  "Sup?" he asks way to casually. I back away again. "Who- How- What- Why- But I thought-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I stared at Paperjam wide eyed.

  "HOW ARE YOU ALIVE!?" I question. "Mmmmmmmagic," he said doing jazz hands and chuckling. I look down and see Gradient peeking at me. "M-Mr. E-Eric..?" he questions, "Gradient's alive too!?" I question, Gradient and Pj nod. Gradient walked up "W-W-We thought y-you w-w-were dead," he mumbles. "I thought you two were dead after the...incident... I thought only Arts survived," I say kneeling down, Gradient hugged me and I hugged back. Long story short, I know these two, if that wasn't already obvious, these two and a girl names Arts were born through fragments of souls of past monsters we collected. But, a few years back, there was an accident with one of the experiments and suddenly the three had disappeared with only little glitches in the air... Everyone thought they died... I was one of the few doctors who used to care for experiments until I was threatened... 

   And then one day we found out Arts was alive and thought she was the only one who survived.  Gradient let go of me, Pj picked him up, I stood. "Where have you been!?" I ask. "Living with Nightmare," Pj replied simply. "Who..?" I question. "Don't worry about it... Right now we're looking for Arts," Pj said and Gradient nodded. "ARTS! RIGHT! SHE'S AT THE LAB!" I exclaim quickly.  "She is!?" Pj questions. "We have to get Nightmare,"  he says taking me by the arm and practically dragging me down the street until we saw a large slimy skeleton with tentacles coming from his back. He turned to look at us and raised a brow, he only had one glowing blue eye, but he had his whole skull. "Who's this?" Who I assumed was Nightmare questioned. "Nightmare, this is Eric," Pj said. "The doctor you told me about???" "Yep," "How-" "I don't know honestly,"

~Aku's pov~

~~~Time skip~~~

  "Ash where the heck are you taking me!?" I question as Ash practically drags me down the hall. "Boss wants to do an interesting experiment that'll give me an excuse to laugh at you," Ash said and snickered. "Wow I'm soooo scared," I roll my eyes. "What's the experiment?" I ask. "She's gonna combine a fragment of you and one of the experiments souls to create a new living life form," Ash says. "English please?" "She's gonna use you and Arts' souls to make a kid," "WHAT!?" "Best part is you get to take care of it," "WE'RE BOTH LIKE 13 AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE HER!" "Well that's the worst lie you've tried to pull off," I blushed and facepalmed. "Boss says she don't want to take care of it so it's technical parents will," Ash said. "I don't want a freaking kid," I mutter. "Well that's too bad ya don't have a choice," Ash snickered. He pushed me into an experiment room where Arts was sitting on what looked like a medical bed

   I blush as I sit next to her and roll my eyes. "W-What are they gonna do..?" Arts questions. "They're gonna make a baby out of our souls," I say. "W-WHAT!? H-HOW!? W-WHY!?" I look seeing her face explode with blush as she looked confused, scared, and shocked all at once. "I wouldn't worry, they've done stuff like this before, and I don't know why they do it, guess they just want more experiments who are younger," I shrug.  The boss walked in, no one knew her name, no one could see her face from under the mask she always wore. "I believe you both know what we're doing?" she questions, we both nod. "Do we really have to? We're only 13 and your making us have a kid," I say. "Yes, some of the doctors will be helping you, but you are in charge of keeping it alive," the boss said taking a bag and going through it, I looked seeing me and Arts had unknowingly been holding hands

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