A new friend

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~~~Aku's pov~~~

~Time skip~

  I walk to school with my siblings by my side. "Hey," Blaise says. I raise a non existent eyebrow and look at Blaise. "Race ya to school!" He exclaims and starts running. "Hey no fair!!!" I say flying after him, Aiko and Alok close behind. I flew to the side to get passed Aiko, but flew into a pole. "OW!" I yell falling to the ground. You'd think my siblings would stop to make sure I was ok... Yeah no, they didn't even notice. I got up putting a hand on my skull. "Ow..." I shake my head and sigh. "Well I'm not gonna win the race," I roll my eyes and decide to walk. Out of nowhere, someone bumped into me, we both fell over and papers flew in all different directions. "Ah! I'm sorry I'm sorry!" The girl who'd bumped into me exclaimed helping me up. "Eh, really it's alright," I say helping her pick up some of the papers, I noticed they were pictures, sketchings of skeletons. Then I saw one of... Fresh... he was supposed missing though.... How would she know what he looked like!? I look at the girl. "What's your name..?" I ask

  The girl raised a brow, she had long brown hair, she looked half skeleton. She had blue eyes and stared at me with a confused expression. "Um... I'm Arts..." she says. I look at the sketching of Fresh. "Awfully good at sketching," I say. "Um... Thanks..." I saw a small blush tint her cheeks. "I'm Aku, say um... where do you know this skeleton," I point to the sketching of Fresh. "Oh!... It's... complicated..." she says looking down, her expression saddening. "You don't happen to know him do you?" I ask raising a non existent eyebrow. "Why do you ask?" she questions. She reached for the papers but I pulled them away "And pj, you've sketched him as well? How do you know these skeletons?" I ask. "I-I just do OK!? C-Can I have my papers back..?" she asks. "Are you working for them!?" I question. "Working for who!?" Arts questioned. "The people who kidnapped Fresh, Geno, Epic, Arakan, and Blue!" I say. "What!? I thought they were dead!" Arts exclaimed

 "Who has them!? Where are they!?" she questioned looking at me with wide eyes. "I don't know! That's why I'm asking you!" I exclaim. "Fresh...He was like a brother to me...Same with Blue..." Arts said looking down. "So...That's how you knew them... You knew them before they were taken..?" I question. She nods looking away. I sigh and hand her back the sketchings. "Sorry about that, guess I have a little bit of explaining to do, where are you headed?" I question. "To school... It's a middle school right by the high school," she says. "Alright... I'm going to the high school, mind if I walk with you? I can explain on the way..." I say. "Alright..." Arts said and nodded looking up at me, I did exactly what I said, I explained everything that had been happening... She deserved to know if she was that close to Blue and Fresh. When we had to part ways I waved goodbye. 

   She waved as well, I check the time on my phone. "SHOOT-"I teleport to math class into my seat right as the bell rang. "Aku, nice of you to join us," the teacher said. I could hear snickers and chuckles around the room. "Care to explain why you were almost late?" She asks. "I um... Ran into a pole on my way here, and I kinda needed a few minutes to recollect myself," I shrug, at least it wasn't a full lie. "If you say so Aku," she said. I look to my siblings, they were all staring at me. Did you really run into a pole? I hear Blaise think. Eheh... Flew into a pole I thought. I look back at the teacher as she starts the lesson. I then look to my side seeing I was sitting next to Ace. Great... I sigh and look back at the teacher. The class took notes as she spoke and wrote down some things on the board. 

~~Time skip~~

  I walk to me and my siblings usual spot for lunch, when we got there Ink, Dream, Dust, and Sans came our way. They sat down with us. "Hey," Dream said. "Any progress on you know what..?" Ink asks. We all nod "Yeah... About that...Do you guys happen to know a girl named Arts..?" I question. "No..?" Dust and Sans say. "Yeah why?" Ink and Dream question. "I ran into her after well... After I ran into the pole," I say and rub the back of my skull chuckling a bit. Wait you didn't tell us about that! Aiko thinks. Yeah... I forgot to mention... I think. Ink raised a non existent eyebrow at me. "So?" He asks. "I saw she had a drawing of Fresh, so I asked her how she knew him, and she said she was really close with him and Blue," I explain. "She was..." Ink says looking away. "Listen, they aren't dead," Blaise says. "WHAT!?" they all question. 

  "Epic, Fresh, Geno, Blue... They aren't dead, they were kidnapped, their deaths were fake," I say. "SO THEY'RE ALIVE!?!?" They all question, I nod. "Where are they!?" Dust questions. "We don't know yet... But we'll know soon, I promise," Aiko says. "How did you find out!?" Ink questions. "That my friend is a long story," I say.  "Well we've got another 15 minutes before lunch ends so..." Dust says looking at me. He's got a point, let's just tell them Blaise thought. I nod and sigh. We started explaining what happened, it didn't take very long... "So then where the heck is this Arakan..?" Dream asked. "He's staying with Axel," Blaise told him. "Axel?" Dust questioned. "Kid who hangs out with Quissen and Ace," Dream says. "Oh," Dust sighed. "So how do you plan on getting them back..?" Ink asks. 

  "Can't tell, it's a secret," Blaise said before any of us could say anything. "WHY!?" they question. "We're Blue's friends we should know," Sans said. "Yeah but if you know you're going to try to help, and if you try to help, you could get killed," Blaise says. I look over at him, he had a point. "Just trust us, we've got it under control," I say looking back at them. They all still seemed unsure. "We've been doing these kinds of things for a while now, so don't worry about it, soon Blue will be safe at home!" Aiko said sounding cheerful like she usually did.  I see something from the corner of my eye and look over, not seeing anything. I get up, "Um... I'll be right back," I say walking off, my siblings and Blue's friends continued to chat while I walked to where I'd seen it. I kneel down seeing something in the dirt, suddenly a large shadow was cast over me. I smirk "Oh, hey Nightmare,"

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