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  ~~~Quissen's pov~~~ 

When I heard the doorbell, I figured Ace was home, so I put the book away and put my mask back on. I stand up and start walking to the door. But when I looked around the corner, it wasn't Ace...It was..Ash!? How the heck does he know where I live!? I duck behind the corner and run into my room, being careful not to make any noise. I thought about hiding in my closet, then thought about fighting Ash, no, I can't do either. The closet is too obvious and Ash is stronger than me, he's surprisingly strong especially for his size. (BOI U GO TO A SCHOOL WITH SANSES, then again... Ash is like, shorter than Ink XD)I could hide under the bed... no, still too obvious.  I look around my room. Not many places to hide. I continued looking around. I heard footsteps and started panicking. I jumped into my laundry basket because it was closest to me AND WHY NOT. I cover myself with towels, a small blanket, and clothes so I was well hidden.  I hear the door open with a creeeeeeeak"Senpai, I know you're in here, I can sense your fear." I hear Ash say sending a shiver down my spine. I hold my breath hoping Ash didn't find me.  I could hear his footsteps near my hiding place.  I close my eyes in case they were glowing

   I hear his footsteps fading and the door closing.   I open one eye, I stayed hidden because I could still see a faint green glow.  Why was he looking for Axel? Why was he so committed to it? Why is he a part of this in the first place? After what felt like hours, I see Ash exit the room and close the door behind him.  I let out a sigh of relief.  But stayed still, only an idiot would come out of hiding right after the intruder leaves the room. He could teleport inside or still be looking around the house. I've seen way too many horror films... I peek my head from the laundry basket, seems the coast is clear.  I hide back in the laundry basket just in case.  "BROTHER! I, THE AMAZING ACE, IS HOME!" I hear Ace yell. CRUD. What if Ash is still in the house!? What if he attacks Ace!? Both my questions were answered when I heard Ace yell "What are you doing in my house!?" I jump out of the basket and dash out of the room to see Ace and Ash facing each other. I was behind Ash. Maybe if me and Ace work together we can get Ash out of here.  I summon my sword making sure to stay quiet. "Brother! Why is HE here!?" Ace asks. I facepalm, ACE YOU DIMWIT I COULD'VE SNUCK UP ON HIM I think. Ash whirls around and grins. "So you were hiding here," Ash says and chuckles. 

  I adjust my mask. Ready for Ash to attack. "I will let you both live if you tell me where Axel is," Ash says. I roll my eyes. "Riiiiight, because you can totally kill us," I say sarcastically. Honestly, he probably could...Ash chuckles "Alright then," Ash says. His eyes glow green with silver swirls. All of a sudden he was...gone!? Did he teleport!? It didn't look like it...Where was he!? He can't go invisible! Can he? I hold my sword in a defensive position darting my eyes around the room. I back into a wall so he can't get behind me. All of a sudden I was kicked to the ground "ACK-" I fall and my sword flies from my hand. I see Ash appear beside me, not like teleport appear, but becoming visible appear. So he can go invisible!? I ask myself in my head. Ash chuckles "I can do many things," He says. I shiver, how am I supposed to beat something I can't see!? My sword appears in my hand. "Would you like to see something else  can do?" Ash asks and chuckles. A sword that looks exactly like mine appears in his hand, my sword disappears. 

  "!?" I look at Ash, "Borrowing abilities, a simple little spell I know." He says and chuckles again, sending shivers down my spine.  He was about to strike me with my own sword when Ace ran up and shoved him into the wall. I let out a sigh of relief. "Well!? Get up!" Ace tells me. I stand up and back away from Ash. He stands up and glares at Ace. My sword appears back in my hand, Ash is running out of magic, I can tell. "This isn't over," Ash says and teleports away. I look at Ace, he looks back at me. "I assume you know why he was here..." Ace says. "He...was looking for Axel...Ash is with those people who attacked him..." I tell Ace, He looked a bit surprised, he looked away and tapped his foot as if he were thinking. "We should inform someone about this..." Ace says. I nod in agreement. Then, Ash appears in front of us, My eyes widen and I back up. His eyes were their usual green and silver hypnotic shapes, but they were moving faster than usual, glowed brighter, and seemed more hypnotic. My sword disappears, I somehow couldn't look away from Ash. 

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