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~~~Aiko's pov~~~

   I kept Blaise's door shut by leaning on it as he rammed himself against the door. "AIKO LET ME OUT! I'LL KILL THOSE IDIOTS FOR TAKING OUR BROTHER!" I heard him scream. When we'd been attacked by those guys with the masks they'd shot Aku with something and he'd just passed out, then they took him and disappeared. Long story short, Blaise was NOT happy and was now in his....'scary slimy form' or so me and Aku called it.  Alok walks upstairs with Arakan by his side, after Aku was taken I'd sent Alok to get Arakan, we needed to get Arakan to that base, not only to find out where it is, but now also to save our brother. "BLAISE YOU MUST CALM YOURSELF!" I exclaim. "OH I AM PERFECTLY CALM!" Blaise snapped running himself into the door again. "Does he not realize he can teleport out of the room..?" Arakan questions. "Well... No, Blaise can't exactly think properly when he's angry..." I say. Alok stayed quiet having his usual emotionless expression. 

  "Is he gonna kill someone?" Arakan asked. "If we let him out of his bedroom, yes," I say. "You don't seem to scared or shocked your brother was just taken..." Arakan said. "Oh no I am very concerned but, Aku is strong, I am sure he will be alright and whenever I am concerned at the same time as one of my brothers I want to make sure they're taken care of, whether it's calming them down or locking them in their room," I explain. It was true, I'd always put others before myself in certain situations. And right now, I needed Blaise to calm himself so we could start our plan. "LET ME OUT!" Blaise yelled. "Not until I believe you have calmed yourself!" I exclaim. Blaise kicked and punched the door. I sigh "He's not calming down any time soon..." I say. My eye glows bright green and vines come from the ground wrapping around the door and door handle to keep it in place. I push off the door "Perhaps we can start without him... Only for now," I say. "Question, how the heck can you do that!?" Arakan asks. "Special ability of mine," I giggle. 

~~~Eric's pov~~~

   I run down the hall, carrying a few papers, huffing and puffing as I ran into a room. I knock "M-M-Ma'am may I c-come in...?" I question. "Come in," she demanded. I shiver and walk into the room. "It's about E-Experiment  4576..." I mumble. "What is it Eric?" she asked in a low threatening voice. "Well... As you know w-we were going to run an experiment to give him u-uhm... 'f-fake memories' and give him an entirely new personality b-but..." I stopped as she turned her head to look at me. "It just doesn't seem possible is all!" I exclaim. She sighs putting a hand on her forehead. "Eric, what kind of magic does Rei have?" she asks. "U-Um... He can o-open portals... make it rain... fly..." I count with my fingers. "Uh-huh, and what can Ash do?" she asked. "Hypnosis, Spells, illusions, teleportation, telekinesis I believe," I counted with my other hand almost dropping the papers. "Exactly, and do those seem possible to do?" she questions. I look at the ground "U-Um... N-No...." I say. "See, what we do here is what people would think is the impossible, with Ash's spells and illusions, I assure you this will work," she said

  "O-Ok then uhm... Thank you for your time..." I mumble going to walk out. "Make sure 4576 is ready," she said before I closed the door. I sigh 'I hate my job...' I thought to myself. Though I couldn't do anything about it, my parents worked here and died while on a mission, so now I have to take their place. I'm nothing like my parents... And I hope I never turn out to be. I heard something from the radio piece in my ear. "Eric are you there???" I heard the voice of Rei. "U-Uhm yeah I'm here... W-What is it?" I ask. "The lost Experiment has been found traveling down Calvera ave," he said. I nod "Do you want me to send you back up?" I question. "Send Ash and 4576, boss wants to see how he is on the field," Rei said. "But we haven't even replaced his memories yet!" I exclaim. "Well then hurry up! I'll keep an eye on Arakan," he said. I sigh and walk down the hall looking through the papers in my hands. 

~~~Aku's pov~~~

   I walked down the dark hallway with Ash. "Remind me where we're going..?" I question. "Oh no where~" Ash said and chuckled, I followed him into a large lit up room, there was a medical bed with a small table with different things on it next to it and a metal closet. "Alright then," Ash chuckles once more.  "Where are we..?" I question, suddenly I lifted into the air, unable to move my arms, legs, and wings. "H-Hey what are you-" "You're in the experiment room, this is where I'll give you your memories back~" I look at Ash. "Now don't move," he says putting a finger to my forehead. "Just let me do my magic and it'll be over soon~" he says and chuckles a bit. A green magic surrounded us both.   Suddenly I felt like all my energy drained from me and passed out. 

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