The new Aku

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~~~Aku's pov~~~

~~~Time skip~~~

  I wake up, shooting into a sitting position and looking around. I was in the same room as before... I put a hand on my head, memories... They were all coming back to me. OK OK Now what to I know..?  My name is Aku, short for Akuma, I was abandoned at a young age and taken here... Then there's a lot of different memories of me in training sessions and missions... I felt different than the last time I'd woken up here. I shake my head and look around, suddenly the door opened. "Oh hello Aku~" Ash said standing in the doorway. I get up "Heya," I say. "Memories are back I see?" he chuckles. I nod "Thanks by the way," I say. He just shrugs "Don't worry 'bout it," he said. "Come on, we got a mission," he said. I follow him out of the room. I suddenly started glitching, badly, "AAaCCCkK," I fell to my knees as I glitched out. Ash turned to look at me and kneeled down. "Uuuuuuuuuhm-" he clearly had no idea what to do. 

~~~Ash's pov~~~

  Why is he glitching out!? Did my magic mess up or something..? It must've because this looks pretty bad. Maybe I should just give him a minute to reboot..? I backed away a little until eventually his glitching slowed to the point there were only a few glitches here and there. He looks at me "You alright..?" I question. "FffffiNe," Aku said standing back up. I raise a brow "You should try to calm down..." I say. "YYyyyeAh yyAA tHHHiNk!?" he questions. I put my hands up in surrender. "Jeez sorry-" "WwwHATTTever..." he started to walk again, I walk beside him. If I have to be honest... I liked the other Aku better- I thought to myself.  "Wwhat's the mmmission?" Aku asked. "We have to capture an escaped experiment, Arakan," I say. "Sounds easy enough," Aku said, the glitch in his voice going away. "Yeah... But Arakan's gotten a lot stronger, so it might be harder," I say. "Sure it will," Aku rolled his eyes. We appeared somewhere back in town. I look down the street and see Arakan sitting on a bench. 

I chuckle "Too easy~" I say. "I call first attack-" Aku teleports behind Arakan, knife in hand. WHERE DID HE GET A KNIFE!?  I teleport behind Aku, pushing him out of the way, Arakan turns his head to look at us, I put a finger to his head, my eyes glowing, he fell unconscious. Aku growls "What was that!?" I question. "I wasn't gonna KILL him!" Aku snapped. I facepalm "YOU WERE HOLDING A KNIFE!" I point out. "Yeah in case he saw me!" Aku exclaimed. "WELL WHOOPTY DOO HE SAW US ANYWAY!" I yell. "Whatever let's just take him," Aku said standing up and walking past me looking down at Arakan. "Now that I think of it... That was a little too easy..." Aku said. "I guess so? All I had to do was knock him out," I shrug. "Wouldn't he have known to react once he heard us though?" he questioned. "I suppose... Eh, let's just go and consider ourselves lucky," I say with a shrug. 

~Eric's pov~

~~~Time skip~~~

   I sigh and slowly walk to the room Arakan was. I mumble to myself typing in the passcode. The door opened and I peeked at Arakan. "E-Erm h-h-hi..." I mumble. Remember what dad told you... you just need to do what you're told and nothing else... so I guess I shouldn't talk with him... I thought to myself. I just need a blood sample... I walk up with my bag of supplies by my side.  His hands and feet were cuffed to the ground not giving him any room to move. I sigh "Hey... Eric right..? You're one of the doctors..." Arakan mumbled looking at me with his green glowing eyes. I shiver "H-H-How-" "I was joking...You have a nametag," he said. I look at the tag on my chest and sigh. "R-Right..." I say taking a syringe from my bag. Arakan looked and flinched trying to move his hands. "W-What are you doing?!" he asks. "I n-need a blood sample..." I say. "E-E-Erm would that be possible without a needle!?" he asks seeming in panic. "N-Not really..?" I say. "Why..? Is something wrong..?" I ask. There goes not talking to him...

"I-I... I'm afraid of needles..." he says. "Ah, Trypanophobia, it's a common fear for experiments here..." I say. "Sorry but I have to do this... It might sting a little..." I say. Arakan shivered "P-Please don't..." he says starting to tremble, I could tell he was terrified. I'm not supposed to feel bad but... How can I not..? Stay strong Eric... I sigh "Try not to flinch," I say putting gloves on. I take the syringe and tilt his head. He was still trembling, it took a few moments for me to get the blood sample because he kept flinching. Once I finally got it I put my gloves back in the bag and the blood sample into a plastic bag putting the bag in my pocket. "Sorry about that but I need to do my job..." I say picking up my bag and getting up. "W-Wait..." he says looking up at me. I look at him confused. "C-Can you maybe unlock one of my hands so I can scratch my head..?" he asked. "Erm..." I'm not supposed to uncuff him... he might attack, but, it's just somthing simple so I guess I can... "S-Sure, give me a second,"

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