New Plan

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~Eric's pov~

  I watched as Ink scolded Blaise. "YOU SAID WE COULD TRUST YOU!" "I know I know but-" "NOW THEY'RE ALL GONE AND BLUE STILL ISN'T BACK!" "Well at least we-" "WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW!?" Ink wouldn't let Blaise make a point or finish his sentence, Blaise looked like he was about ready to kill someone. "LISTEN TO ME FOR FIVE SECONDS!" Blaise suddenly yelled, his eye glowing deep red. Ink looked surprised and then sighed. "Fine," he says. "Yes, Aku was brainwashed, Aiko and Alok were taken, none of the experiments were rescued, BUT," he paused. "But what?" Ink and Dream question. "We have him," he points to me. "And?" Ink questions. "He's one of the doctors, so he knows a lot and can help us," Blaise said. "WHAT!?" Dust questions, he glares at me, I step behind Blaise and look away from them. "He's the one who's been keeping Blue!?" Dust questions. "No Dust, some other doctor who works at the lab place YES THIS IS HIM!" Blaise facepalms. 

   Dust growls at me. "Why did you bring him here!?" he asks. "How do you know he isn't gonna hurt someone!?" Dream asks. "Because if he does he knows I can burn him alive," Blaise said bluntly. "How did you capture him anyway!?" Ink questions. "Long story," Blaise glanced back at me and then looked at Ink. "Well I would like to hear this 'long story,'" Ink snapped. "I'll tell you later," Blaise said. "I'm gonna kill that kid-" Dust growled again "Don't kill him yet we still need him," Blaise rolled his eye.  "Fine, but what are we gonna do now?" Dust questions. I look around, Blaise's place was pretty big. "OK, so they have an emergency alarm, so we can't break in the way me and my siblings did," Blaise said. "How did you break in..?" Ink questions. "...Aku kicked the back door down..."

  They all raised non existent eyebrows. Fell facepalms. "OK, so no kicking the door down?" He questions. "Pretty much," Blaise shrugged. "How did they erase Aku's memory..?" Fell asked. "Not sure... But it's like he's a whole different person because of it," Blaise said. "I-I could e-e-explain..." I mumble. "Then do it," Blaise said. "O-One of the k-k-kids wh-who works there's named A-Ash... H-He-" "Wait... ASH!?" I jump as they all stare at me in surprise and anger.  "Y-Y-Yes h-h-he g-goes t-to your school as a s-secret agent..." I mumble. "How could we have not known this!?" Ink questions. "W-W-Well he's good at keeping it s-secret..." I say. "We can kill Ash later, for now let's figure this out," Blaise says turning to me. "W-Well... He has the power o-of spell casting and i-illusion... a-along with some other abilities... S-So he changed Aku's memories a-and personality..." I explain. "How..?" Ink asked. "A-As I said... S-Special m-magic abilities..." I mumble. 

~Aku's pov~

  I waited around the halls for a while before eventually I saw her, a very tired looking Arts following the doctor back to her room. I walk into her room and close the door behind me after shooting the doctor a glare. I walk up and sit in front of Arts. "You alright?" I ask. "I'm fine... Just... Tired," she smiled weakly at me. I take the blanket from beside me and wrap it around Arts. "What were they doing with you?" I ask as she leaned into me, I raised a non existent eyebrow and then shrugged it off. "I was learning my powers... They were doing training sessions with me to see how strong I was or something..." she explained. I nodded and unknowingly wrapped a wing around her, I didn't realize I had until she hugger her knees to her chest so my wing wrapped all the way around her. "They didn't hurt you did they..?" I ask. "Not really..." Arts said. I nod and look away. "Aku... Why are you being so nice to me..? Not that I'm complaining or anything..." she mumbled. Why? Honestly I didn't know, I didn't really care about any of the other experiments here...

  "I dun know..." I say and shrug. "Do you think you're a nice person..?" she asks looking up at me. "Psh, not in a million years," I roll my eyes. "But you're nice to me..." she says. "Keeping you locked up in here isn't exactly what I would call 'nice'" I point out. "But it's not your choice... they're forcing you," she says. "I guess you have a point... Still," I didn't look at her. THere was an awkward silence for a minute. "So... What are your magic abilities..?" I ask. "I-I can summon a dagger and staff... there's these weird monster head things I can summon in the air..." "Those are called gaster blasters," I chuckle.  Arts smiled brightly at me, I look at her and raise a non existent eyebrow again. "What..?" I ask. "I... I like your laugh..." she giggles. "Psh," I look away blushing a little bit, unsure why. "Are you OK??? Your cheeks are turning purple," Arts said poking my face. "I'm fine," I say slapping her hand away. I'm not blushing cause I LIKE this girl am I..? No way, never, not in a million years...


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