제 15 장

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                Water cascades down my back and through my hair, sliding over the hills of my breast, caressing it's way down my  shoulders and trailing it's way down my back. My palms rested against the wall, my body in an arch. I felt Jae's on my hips, his pelvis pressed firmly against me. Water hugged our joined bodies, a contrast to our heated skin, to the touch it was a creation of our own sauna.

We were still, panting like thirsty dogs. Captivated in each other, the desire to just feel was much stronger than the desire to reach our high. Neither of us wanted this sensation to vanish. I bit my lips, in the midst of water tears slip from my eyes. Jae begins to move. I gasp sharply , his thrust hard and heavy.  I brought my lips under my teeth, falling into my pit of pleasure.

He grunts loudly, his pace slowly down gradually. He slips out of me, and turns me against the wall. He lifts me up with his ease, and hoists me against the wall. My arm wraps around his neck, the other snaked around to run my hand through his wet hair that he pushed out of his face. My legs around his hips holding myself up. His hands supported my thighs, his fingers gripped my thighs tightly.

  He slipped inside me with ease, I dragged my hips against him. " Jesus" He hisses, water running down his chin, he closes his eyes. He thrusts starts steadily and hard. " Oh Jae, yes" I moaned , my eyebrows knitted together. My moans became whimpers and howls as his thrusts become quick . Our skin slapping against skin, and his groans and grunts of pleasure heightened my upcoming release. " I'm about to cum baby" He gets out in a hoarse grunt. I clenched around him, stimulating my climax a few hot seconds before his.

My legs fall and my knees wobble. He holds me against the wall, kissing me tenderly as I sink into the wall. " It always ends up this way" I tell him and he laughs. " I cannot help that I am absolutely drunk off of you" He purs sliding his large hands down to my hips. " You know what I have never done?" I asked him. He pushes his hair back, exposing his bare forehead. His eyes were red from the water, and his legs were swollen and puffy, in the most sexy way.

I brought my hand down and down, sliding it over the hairs under his navel and taking his manhood in my hands. He moans darkly his head thrown back, his lips parted slightly. " What a-are you doing?" He asks me and I kiss his chest before squatting down. I had never allowed him to use his mouth on my mound. I was always to shy. I never gave oral to him either, yet I wanted to see him squirm. I wanted to enjoy him all of him. Without any warning, I fit him in my mouth.

•. \\s•. •

" I have to go"

" Don't go"

" I have to go baby"

" I know" I pouted, I knew Jae would be gone for a couple of hours and then my perfect world would cease to exist. He buttons up his shirt and fixes his collar. He's in the mirror tying his tie and I wrapped my arms around his back. " I'm really scared when you go to the office" I confessed and his eye brows knitted together. " Why baby?"

" Because , you always come back with bruises or bleeding, and It makes me so furious" I say squeezing him tightly. He turns around and hugs me. " I rarely see my father these days, election is coming up. Don't worry about me, I'm alright." He tells me placing his hand on the back of my head. He pulls away to look at me, and in that moment I become dizzy.

I am suddenly drained of all my vision, and sounds around me are hallow. I fall and I feel Jae's strong hands around me, and like it never left my vision returns and Jae concerned eyes look down at me intensely as he cradled me in his arms. " Athena!" There was an irritating ring at the end of his voice. It was in my head.
" I am fine" I tried to reassure him. " I am tired" I lied.

" Athena, you need to go to the hospital." He says, the high frequency noise dimming down. " Jae, I am fine, go to work. I have been fainting since you met me" I say to him. Not a complete lie, but it wasn't the exact truth. He shakes his head and helps me up. " No, how can I go when you are like this? I'm not going" He declares and I blew a breath.

" Jae, you have to, this is your job, I cannot be the reason your father and you both have conflict. Just go, and come straight home after. I'll....make some room to move my things here from my flat" Jae eyes brighten. " Really? You actually mean it? You'll move in with me? Yes!" He lifts me up and spins me around in excitement. I smile, still a bit dizzy. He kisses my lips. " I'm so happy, are you sure you can hang in until I get back?" He asks me and I nodded.

" I'll be fine, get to work safely. Avoid fighting with your father. I love you" He puckers his lips and closed his eyes tightly awaiting my kiss. I laugh at his dorkiness, and kissed him. " You have to promise me, you'll text me and go to the hospital if you faint again. Alright?"

I nodded.

He puts on his shoes and throws on his suit's jacket. " I love you, get some rest. I'll come straight home, unless you want me to bring home dinner on my way. There isn't any more rice. I should probably pick some up on the wat h—-



"Just go"

"Oh yeah, right" He fixes his hair and kisses me one more time. " I'll see you when I get home" He then leaves me there , and grabs his car keys before he walks out of the front door. Something was wrong with me, and I knew this "sickness" wasn't damaging my health. The only way to find out, was learning the truth myself.

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