제 22 장

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A/N: Another time jump, I am sorry.

Two months later...

Athena, it's me again. How are you? I am healthy now. I've been in pain a little while, but I have medication. How are you Athena? I don't even know if you'll get this , I just want you to know that I miss you and that I love you very much. How is our baby? Is she a her, or is he a him? I wish I could see you. I know that you're probably blossomed completely. Three more months, that's all you have to endure. I wish I was with you, I wish I could take care of you. We were supposed to do this together.

I turned off my phone. I listened to that voicemail over and over. I memorized it. For the last two months, he called me over and over again. I would always turn off my phone, and he'd leave a voicemail. An every time he did, I was forced to rip off the surface of the wounds that kept me. I got up from my desk and walked over to my dresser. I threw my phone in the drawer and slammed it shut.

" Thena, come down stairs and get you something to eat" I hear my mother shout from downstairs. " Ma I'm coming!" I yelled back. I slipped on my house shoes that I brought from Korea and ran downstairs. I greet my mother at the bottom of the stairs. " Why are you running down the stairs like you are not pregnant?"She asks and I smile at her.

" I am built of stone, my son is just fine." I say running my hands down my stomach. I found out that my baby was a boy last week. I cried myself to sleep that night, because I would never be able to tell Jae about it. " Yeah, well you were the same way. Since you were a little girl" my mother laughs, shaking her head. I shrugged and walked into the kitchen.
My brother leaned up against the counter, a bowl of cereal in his hands. He glared up at me.

" What?"

" Because of you. I gotta eat cereal, why can't you eat cereal? You aren't special" He pouts , shoving a spoon of cereal in his mouth. I noticed the tray of eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, and pancakes. This is definitely so like my mother. " I am eating for two. He's a boy, you know boys need more nutrition" I teased and he rolls his eyes. " Bullshit. You know thats bullshit. Bullshit" I laughed at him.

" Watch that mouth boy" I hear mama yell from the living room. " Then you leave for three years, and come back pregnant. Capishe?" I sat down at the table. He smacks his lips together. " Jaden, Jay In, or whatever his name, needs to take your ass back. You ain't black, you blasian. You out here bowing and shit" I rolled my eyes.

" My ignorant little brother, who cannot even keep a job, living with mother at the age of twenty three. Can't you be a little nicer to your successful, impregnated, beautiful, dark skin goddess of a sister?" I asked striking a pose. " I'm a student I have the right" he declares and I laughed. " Dumb ass" He slams his bowl down and leaves the kitchen.

•.                            •.                              •

Jae's pov

      I threw open the door to one of my good friend's dorm. He turned around with his eyes wide. " You know knocking, it's a great th—-

——is it true? You found her?" I asked him and he nods. He stands up and grabs a orange folder and hands it to me. " Minhyuk, thank you so much. This means everything to me" I say thanking him. I ripped open the paper and held the packet up. " Atlanta, Georgia. Saint Charlotte drive" I read loudly. I felt my eyes brimming with the rivers of the flood that stated my emotion. Minhyuk pats my back.

" We finally found her man. I was starting to think she was imaginary" He jokes and I turned to him. " She is far from it. I haven't told you this, but she is six months pregnant." His mouth drops and his eyes mimicked the moon. "C-congratulations, why is it that you tell me this now?" He places his hands on his hips. " We became friends just two months ago on campus, you didn't need to know everything" I placed the paper back into the folder.

" Fair. But honestly you have not even told me much about her, just her name, her age, her birthday , her race, h——

——Your point?" I asked placing it under my arm. " Well we are friends now, and I see the light in your eyes. You must miss her so much." I take a seat on his bed. " I cannot put into words how much I miss her. You should have seen her smile, bright and warm. Oh, and her eyes, like glass, displayed just how she felt. Her eyes glistened and I really loved her eyes. She was a flower dancing in the wind, her wide and round hips swung side to side so seductively when she walked. I loved her with all of me that there is." I say pounding my chest with my fist.

" She sounds beautiful"

" Beautiful doesn't simplify describe it my friend. She has such a strong personality. I can't wait to see her again." I say smiling widely. " What are you waiting for then? You have to start packing instantly. You have to convince her to come back to Korea. Whatever your dad said to her, must have really shook her up. I am sure she misses you too." He reassures and I nodded in agreement. " That's Why I am going to ask her to marry me." Minhyuk bolts from his seat in a round of applause.

" Congratulations. Yes! Yes! You better get your girl!" I smiled shyly.

"But wait, you need to have something to offer with marriage. She is pregnant. That little apartment won't suffice for a kid" He says and I smirked.

" Already ahead of you".

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