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       " Ms.Park! Hello" I smiled and hugged her tightly, she holds me caressingly. She holds my hands up pulling away, inspecting my engagement ring. "It is so pretty" She tells me and I thank her just as Jae wheels our suitcases out of the airport. He smiles at his mother and hugs her sweetly. " We don't have a lot of time. We have to be at the courthouse very soon" Ms.Park says and I frowned. " Courthouse? Why?"

" We are getting married today" Jae says so casually as if was the most common thing to say. I squinted my eyes at him. " M-married? Just like that? Aren't we going to plan and stuff?" I asked in utter disbelief. He placed his hands on my shoulders. " Baby, I know you would like to have a wedding, but honestly we don't just have the time to do that. My father will no longer have any ties with my shares once I am married, according to my grandfather. I also won't be forced to marry anyone if I am already married" He explains to me his eyes desperate and searching for understanding in my own eyes. I sighed softly and I nodded.

" Alrighty then" I agreed and he smiles apologetically before placing a kiss on my forehead. Ms.Park opened the trunk , allowing Jae to lift our luggage inside. He opens the passenger door for me and I get in next after Ms.Park sits in the back seat. " Ms. Park I can sit in the back it's fine" I assure her and she shakes her head. " No, I am fine sweetie, I will be organizing in the back, I have things to go over, so I'm gonna let Jae Eun drive." She explains and I nodded.

Jae Eun closes the trunk of the car and gets in the drivers seat. He smiles at me and says, " I have a surprise for you". I looked at him questioning his intentions, and I turned toMs.Park and she smiles at me. " Jae, what are you scheming?" He laughs at this. " Why would I be scheming my love?".

I shrugged it off, but I was a little anxious. Both Jae and Ms.Park were acting sneaky. Not to mention, Jae woke up a little earlier than me and was on a phone call while I was asleep, or at least he thought I was asleep. The moment he had risen from the bed, I stirred away, the heat of his body my only comfort and sleeping aid. I was pretty suspicious about what he had planned. Once we were on the road, he placed his hand on my thigh. " Everything will be alright" He says with his infamous grin that I loved so much. That grin alone was enough to make me excited, and nervous with anticipation.

Today I would become married woman, and I had never imagined it would happen so suddenly, but it was. It didn't matter where we got married, when we got married, or how we got married, as long as it was my Jae that I would be married to.

•. •. •

"Min Jae Eun, do you take, Athena Jackson to be your Wife?"

"I do"

"Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all other and holding only unto her?"

"I do" Jae Eun looks over to me with a bright smile. His freshly trimmed and dyed dark hair, complimented his handsome face, that made him more masculine and attractive to say the least.

The judge called my name.

"Athena Jackson, do you take Min Jae Eun to be your Husband?"

Eagerly and without hesitation I say, "I do". The Judge smiles knowingly, making me a bit flustered. "Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all other and holding only unto him? I repeated once again.

"I do"

He recited the exchange of rings and my heart pounded in my chest. I felt completely on air, I wanted to cry out into the open in utter happiness. Today would be one of the most memorable day of my life. And as I slid Jae's ring onto his hand, he had done something that I was fighting the urge to do, he let his barren tears fall. He smiled so sweetly and lovingly. The twinkle in his eyes outshined the sun it's self.

Min Jae Eun and Athena Jackson just as two very different threads woven in opposite directions can form a beautiful tapestry, so can your two lives merge together to form a very beautiful marriage. To make your marriage work will take love. Love should be the core of your marriage, love is the reason you are here. But it also will take trust- to know in your hearts you want the best for each other. It will take dedication- to stay open to one another; to learn and to grow together even when this is not always so easy to do. It will take faith, to be willingi t go forward to tomorrow, never really knowing what tomorrow will bring. In addition, it will take commitment, to hold true to the journey, you both now pledge to share together."

Jae squeezed my hands in his, it gave me a sense of reassurance and safety.

"Min Jae Eun and Athena Jackson in so much as the two of you have
agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, I now declare you to be Husband and Wife. Congratulations, you may kiss your bride." Jae hadn't hesitated for a second. He brought his hands to my face, his thumbs rested below my eyes, my hands wrapped around his wrists. He kissed me passionately.

In this moment our hearts long fused together, but Jae became my soul mate. Our connection ran much deeper than out vows. Jae pulls away and he rests his head on my own, my lips centimeters away from his lips. " I love you, Mrs.Min" He whispers softly. I smiled in satisfaction.

" I love you too".

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