Final Chapterㅋㅋㅋ

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      " Haeyani , hold still for daddy." I cooed. The one year old stuck her fist in her mouth , with innocent eyes she blinked at me. Jae pinned up her gown, and I smiled in satisfaction. " The birthday girl looks so good today" I scooped her into my arms, and slicked her baby hairs down. Jae Eun placed a kiss on her chubby cheeks. " I'm going to wake up Pierre, and get him dressed" He tells me and I nodded.

Today, our daughter is now an entire year old. I remembered the day I surprised Jae Eun and told him that we would be having another baby. My body barely caught a break after Pierre, thankfully Pierre was a good baby, and he didn't give me much problems. My daughter was definitely the handful. She clung to her dad's shirt every time he picked her up, and she smiles so brightly. I carried her downstairs and prepared porridge for both of my kids, and eventually started making lunch for Jae Eun as well, all the while Haeyani sat in her high chair.

We planned a birthday party, at Jae's mom's restaurant. A year ago, Ms.Park opened a new restaurant, renovating the bakery. All our friends went there to eat together, whenever we had time. Lately, we've been preoccupied raising two little ones. We are still newbies, still getting through new firsts everyday, and everything is still new to us, and we still enjoy every moment of it. Well actually, Jae Eun has been quite busy lately. He was the new CEO, and existing chairman of his father's corporation. His father was arrested for fraud, bribery of law enforcement, involvement of gang activity, and various more.

Jae Eun pulled everything off and planned everything out carefully. I was and am so proud of him. Now that he's his own boss, he makes time for us and I couldn't think of anything else than the word perfect to explain my life. My brother got married last year, and visited us for his honeymoon, and I haven't seen my mom since Christmas, but I speak to them everyday.

" Babe, have you seen my grey and white tie? The one we bought to match Pierre's tie" Jae asked from upstairs. " I put your ties together with your socks on the bottom of the dresser" I called from downstairs. Moments later, Jae came downstairs with Pierre fully dressed and his own tie thrown around his neck. He placed Pierre in his seater and turned to me. " Can you tie it for me love?" He lifted his hands animatedly and I rolled my eyes with a smile. I tied his tie, and tightened it up, and slackened it for his comfort. When I was finished I pat his chest. " You look so handsome" I tell him and he smiles shyly in a boyish way. I kissed his lips sweetly and his hands snaked around my hips.

" Don't start anything with me Mrs.Min" He teased and I laughed. " Feed the kids, I'm gonna get dressed" I say before jogging up the stairs.

•.                                 •.                              •

    " Happy Birthday Haeyani, blow out your candles sweetie" Ms.Park cooed as she held Haeyani inches away from the cake. She clapped in excitement at the delicious cake in front of her. " appa cake!" Pierre whined as he lifted his hands up for Jae to lift him up. Jae lifted him up and we all clapped as Haeyani blew out her candle. She wore her traditional red dress and she was just the most adorable thing. " Haeyani, look here, smile baby" Minhyuk took many pictures of her, capturing every moment.

We cut into the cake and Pierre happily dug into it, making a mess of his face. Jae kissed my forehead when he saw how anxious I became when he got it on his hands, and immediately got up to clean him off. We were surrounded by paparazzi and photographers outside and I wanted him to remain clean. Chanyeol, our kids' god father, was our photographer today as well.

Ms.Park had prepared the food, as a bunch of our friends gathered to wish our daughter happy birthday and good tidings to us and our family. I was sitting down when Jae Eun walked up to me and scooped me up in his arms, suddenly cameras were on me, and everyone were cheering. " Jae what are you doing?" I giggled and he smiles.

" Mrs. Athena Min, my beautiful wife, who has carried my beautiful children in her fruitful womb. I know we have not been married three years yet, but so far I have spent everyday so thankful and appreciative for our family. I am so glad that you decided to spend the rest of your life with me, and I hope you take my hand into the next lifetime too." Tears slipped out of my eyes and I covered my face. Our freinds mutter their awes of satisfaction, as my heart swelled.

" I love you" I tell him, ringing out a round of applause and he places me on my feet. " I want to show you somewhere" He grabs my hand and we take off out of the restaurant, paparazzi blinding me as they snapped pictures. " We can't leave the kids"I say and he shrugs. " My mom has them, let's go" He ushered me down a street, cameras on us, but we kept on running.

" I hadn't realized how close the restaurant truly was to the park"

" The park?" I asked.

We stopped abruptly and I realized that were in-fact at a park. I smiled at him. It wasn't just any park. It was the park he took me to those years ago, when I was sad. The second time I'd meet him, ever. He took me to that park. It was rainy back then. My days were filled with dark skies and solemn, but now all I tasted was sun, and it had filled me up with pure delight. I turned to Jae and he was on one knee. I gasped and covered my mouth in awe. " Jae, what are you doing?"

" Athena, will you marry me, again. This time with a big wedding, and a lot of guests and our family there. We can do it properly this time. You deserve that much." I sobbed in my hands. " Jae.."I started and he stops me. " Athena, I love you so much. I want to do this properly this time" He cups my cheeks and he places a kiss on my lips.

I rested my head on his. "let's do it" I beamed in excitement. " After all, we are already married" He says and I nodded. He held his hands against my chest and in that moment, our hearts beats at once.  Jae Eun, South Korean, and I, an American. Him pale, and me brown to the finest ebony. Our love is symbol for unity and purity of the human race. Love holds no boundaries, color, or gender, so neither should we.                    The End.

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