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" She's not coming Jae" Minhyuk places his hand on my shoulder. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. " Jae we are boarding soon" He says and I shake my head. " She is, She is coming!" I yelled at him. People around us looked to us. Minhyuk sighs and takes a seat next to me. I clenched my fist. " Athena is lying. I know her, she is just trying to protect me. She thinks that I'll be safer without her in my life. And because she loves me, she is willing to leave me." I explain to him and he shakes his head.

" Don't be delusional Jae Eun. You saw her with that guy, they are dating Jae Eun. Can't you see that? He loves her. I can tell"

" But she doesn't love him! She loves me! I am her baby's father!" I stood to my feet. " Exactly ! You need to set up some type of way to get partial custody, before another man raises your kid!" I grabbed his collar and raised him from his seat. " You just watch your mouth, Nobody is going to raise my son, Period." I gritted my teeth. He looked at me with pity. I was acting out of character. This is not me. This is not who I am. I am far from violent.

I let him go. " I am sorry. I am just very frustrated and it is a lot right now." I tell him. He places his hands on my shoulders. " You are going through a lot right now Jae Eun, right now we need to keep our heads together. You are a man Jae Eun. The world may feel like it's ending as of right now, but you can get through this, because you are Min Jae Eun. You weren't built for this. Pull yourself together" He tells me and I nodded solemnly.

   I felt like a dog with my head held low. I felt skittish upon before this nightmare. I needed to take my love home to me. I bit my bottom lip, for my despair crept up to me. " She's not coming Jae Eun" Minhyuk tells me  once more and I hold my breath. I fought with my heart, and defeated I stood. I grabbed my luggage. I turn to the boarding area and I froze.

There she was. Tears in her eyes waiting for me.

" Jae." She said my name and I dropped to my knees in front of her. I brought my hands to her bump and kissed her belly. I stood up just as quickly to engulf my woman in a passionate kiss. A kiss I long awaited and longed for. " I knew you'd come" I murmur against her velvet like lips. I wipe the tears that continued to fall. "I'm sorry Jae. For everything, I didn't mean any of it. Josiah is my best friend" She confesses falling into me.

I wrapped my arms around her. Her scent consuming me whole, " It's alright".

•.                              •.                            •

Athena pov.

              " Mother this is my boyfriend, and the father of my baby, Jae Eun. Jae this is my birth giver" Jae smiled warmly and my mother opens her arms to him, and entangling him in a hug. " Thank you so much for taking care of my daughter thus far, I truly appreciate it. You are one handsome young man" She smile broadly and rests her palm on his cheek. " Thank you, Ms.Jackson" He says politely.

" So you aren't going to introduce me? Am I invisible?" My brother asks standing up off of the couch, eyeing Jae up and down scornfully. I had throughly explained what had happened between Jae and I. My mother had mixed feelings but was ultimately understanding and had a new found respect for Jae. My brother hadn't felt the same way, he hadn't been mature enough to understand.

" Jae, this is my younger brother Apollo. Apollo, this is Jae"

Jae reaches his hand out to Apollo, and Apollo ignores it completely. " I don't think you've done a great job protecting my sister." He retorts and my mother wallows a heavy hand to the back of his head. I glared at my brother. " No he is right, I hadn't been able to protect her in the pass, but now I can, and I am willing to do all that I can for my family" Jae tells my mom and I smiled.

" Come let's eat. I have dinner all set and ready." She ushers us along. I took Jae's hand and attempted to escort him into the kitchen but he freezes. " Wait" He says, and we all stand still. " What's wrong?" I asked him and he looks to me nervously, the glint in his eyes flickered like a candle in a dark room. " Athena I came here on a mission, to take you back to South Korea with me" He started.

He looks at my mother and smiles. I looked up at him in confusion. " ...I came here to take you back to Korea with me, not as my girlfriend, but as my fiancé" My mother let out a holler of excitement. I blinked at him and my mouth hung open. Jae dropped to one knee, and I hear my brother smack his lips. Jae smiled up at me, slipping a beautiful almond shaped platinum silver ring out of his pocket.

" Athena, I love you with everything inside of me and I would love to marry you, raise a family with you, and spend the rest of my life with you. I will cherish you whole, and I will protect and honor your heart, your womb, with a smile that shall never falter. Athena Jackson, Will you marry me?" I bit my lips as tears slipped down my eyes.

" Yes. Yes I will" My mother cheered and bellowed sounds joy and euphoria. My brother clapped bitterly as Jae lifts me off the ground and hurls me around before placing me down and kissing me so passionately and intensely. Tears slipped from my eyes and he smiles down at me, tears pooling in his eyes as well.

We had dinner that night, as a family. I packed my things and said goodbye to my brother and my mom. I went back to the hotel Jae was staying at and we reacquainted our bodies with one another's. The entanglement of our love making brought so much bliss to me, I wished the moment had lasted forever. I thought about becoming Mrs.Min. Me, a black woman rich with melanin. I am sure there were mixed black women with the surname Min as well, but I was more particularly happy about my name.

Mrs. Athena Min. Min Athena. Mrs. Min

My son, who we'd decided on the name Pierre, would also carry this name. I smiled happily and held onto Jae tighter. Jae placed a kiss on my forehead. " I can't wait to make you my wife" He tells me and I grin shyly. " I am actually very excited" I confessed and he runs his hands over my cheek.

" Me too" He whispers softly. I sit up and push the covers off of me, revealing my bare body, as well as my pregnant belly that had grown rapidly. He runs his hands over my stomach. " I hope I can be a good father to Pierre. I want to be better father than my father was" He confesses running his hands down my stomach. " You are nothing like your father Jae. I've seen you with kids, I know you'll be a good father" I assure him and he smiles.

" I love you."

" I love you" He sits up to caress my face, bringing his lips to mine.

•. •. •

Author's Note:

Sorry that I haven't posted a chapter in like days on end, I've been very busy. But I promise I will update the last four chapters this week, I ❤️ you all for tuning in and continue to stay tuned as we near the end. - Anastasia

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