제 20 장

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" Ms.Jackson, the baby is fine, but that doesn't mean you are. You still have wounds that needs to be tend to, go t—-

—-I want to see him. I don't care about anything else." I pleaded and He sighs, " Mr.Min is still in critical condition, we just finished surgery. He smiled needs to rest." He explains and I feel myself choke on my sobs. He sighs once more and shows me his clipboard. " He is in room D203"

" Thank you" I bowed and I walked down the hallway. I take off , down the hallway. I stopped a few nurses who pointed me in the right direction. I looked into the glass and he was awake, he seemed to be having a conversation with her. I creaked the door open a little bit, but halted when I heard a sob. " What if our baby doesn't make it? What would I do? How could I bear seeing her cry? I am such an awful boyfriend" He bawled his eyes out, and I was frozen. I don't think I have ever heard him cry like this.

" it's ok Mr.Min, please calm down"

" It is not ok! I couldn't protect her! She called for me, she called for me so loudly. I couldn't even protect her. T-they touched her, they violated her! And I couldn't protect her! How can I even face her again? Why should she go through this, when she has done nothing to deserve this" He sobs louder after he finishes his sentence. I wanted to comfort him and hold him. I felt guilty that I was here, he was crying and I didn't know what to do. It was I who was the awful girlfriend.

" Mr.Min! Mr.Min can you hear me? Doctor! We need a doctor!" My heart drops and I throw open the door. " Jae!" I called him. His eyes rolls to the back of his head and he shakes uncontrollably. Doctors fill the hospital room and I suddenly hear the deafening sounds of the electrocardiogram flatlining. " Jae! No, Jae! Please no!" I crash to my knees and everything goes numb. I cannot hear anything. A nurse tries to escort me out, but I cannot move. I see Doctors rush to bring in a defibrillator, yelling commands.

I cried out, yelling on the top of my lungs. My feet doesn't move but I become farther and farther away from him. The lobby is suddenly around me and I am on the ground. " Jae..Jae" I whimper crying into my hands. My heart is torn into millions of pieces. I felt like my world had ended. The rays of sun, were replaced with clouds of gloom. I felt the thunder claps of a treacherous storm that brew in my heart.

The doctors wheel Jae out of his room and trots into ICU. A doctor approached me. " Are you Mr.Min's family?"

" No she is not" We both turned, and with four other men, Jae's father stood among them. His father still wore the hardened expression he did the first time I have seen him. Embroidered with money and his own identity. This man of no morality. " I am his father" He tells the doctor and he turns to him and smiles in recognition. " Mr.Senator, yes hello" He clears his throat.

" Mr.Min has been taken to ICU, he went into cardiac arrest due to a spasm in his brain, we are going to run a few more tests. I don't know if you were here earlier so I'm going to run through tight quickly. He has two cracked ribs, a fractured leg, a concussion, and a bit of internal bleeding." The doctor tells him, and the ache in my heart intensifies. They were referring to my Jae Eun.

The doctor further explains the procedures needed to be given and he takes a seat. I sat down too wiping the tears from my eyes. I prayed that I would see Jae again. I wish I could wake up and this will all be over. Jae would come home from work and talk to my stomach, and he'd fuss about me eating all of his chocolates. The memory of him being beaten down haunts my brain, I cannot even breathe.

" Ridiculous. Just ridiculous this would have never have had happened, had he listened to me. Look at her, she's pregnant? Are you serious?" I hear his father say to his cronies. I looked up at him. He stares me down glaringly. " You have something you want to say to me?" I asked him rudely in Korean. Since, not one person had acknowledged that I spoke english today.

" As a matter of fact, I do. You have destroyed my son's life. All of this is because of you" He points his finger at me accusingly raising his voice. " Me? I had nothing to do with any of this. I don't even know who those men are" I raised out of my seat defensively. He squeezes his fists. " Those men were the nephews of a korean investor, who owns 46% of shares of South Korea's natural resources corporation. They got to him after he failed to comply with a written agreement." He explains angrily, inching towards me.

" What agreement?"

" We shared an agreement, that he would invest in us and seal it through a marriage dispute. Jae Eun marries Angelica, and we merge. But Jae Eun, drops out of the agreement, after he meets you, and now that you are pregnant, they have not only canceled the deal, they want to make him pay" He barks at me. I looked into his eyes. No, that can't be true. Jae was engaged? He's lying, I refused to believe it.

" You are lying!" I yelled at him.

He snaps his fingers and three of his men steps forward and holds up a sheet of paper in-front of my face. I snatched the paper and I begin to read it. I read the written agreement, and how the shares would be broken up equally. I stared in disbelief at the end of the page, Jae's name was signed in his handwriting. The paper slips from my hands and lands on the floor. " This is not true" I muttered to myself my eyes preparing for it's other round of tears. My heart hurts, my knees shake.

" You don't know anything. Jae was to marry this girl three days ago, but he cancelled everything! All because of you! They will not leave him alone, they will continue to hurt him, because of you!" I crash to my knees and buried my face in my arms sobbing. " Go back to America, if you truly loved my son, you would leave him be. You and that child inside of you, disappear and don't ever look back." He crouches down next to me.

"Don't worry about expenses, because we will take care of your child, because of it's blood only." I wheezed in between my crying. " Keep your money" I sprouted up and run out of that hospital. I would leave, just as he said. I would leave fpr the sake of Jae. His life was fine before I came into the picture. He would have had no problems, and his father wouldn't hate him. It was I who was in the way. So it was I who had to leave.

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