제 10 장

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        Jae held my hand lovingly as we glanced around at the various species of fishes swimming above and besides us. The blue of the tanks radiated on Jae's fair complexion, like a living aesthetic. I admired how his eyes sparkled, twinkling in the blue light. I smiled up at him and held his arm. He smiles broadly back at me, making my pounding heart skip it's rhythmic beat. Jae takes me towards a tank that was filled with tiny clown fish.
" In America it is these fish that reminds me of that movie with the daddy fish looking for his son." He explains and I smiled, he was so cute.

" They are called clownfish, and I believe that you are referring to the movie Finding Nemo" I explains and he nods. " Clown pish?" He asks me and I bite my lips to suppress my laugh. " Why laugh?" He asks with a clueless look on his face. His accent is so cute. " Fish" I repeat to him and he frowns. " I said pish" He says and I laughed a-loudly. " Don't laugh" He says with a chuckle. I started wheezing as my laughter overcomes me. " Not very good" He exclaims wagging a finger at me.

  " Stick to Korean my dear" I retorted in Korean. " When you choke, I'll laugh at you" He say in Korean and walks away from me, and onto a another area of the aquarium. I followed him onto the sharks. He points at the sharks. " This is my favorite" He tells me and I smile. " I like shark soup" I tell him and his eyes go wide. " You ate shark? You are cruel" He say throwing his head back in laughter. I bit my lips. He walks to me and kisses my lips. He rests his head against mine. " Every time you bite your lips, I want to kiss them" He says paving a larger spot into my heart.

He holds my hands and digs his phone from his pocket. He switches on his camera and lifts it to a higher angle. He smiles, and I followed before he snapped the picture and brought it to eye level to inspect. " Let's get some more pictures"

" Mr.Min!" We both turned to a woman who smiled sweetly and trotted over to Jae. " Soo Young, Hello" Jae tells her with a smile. I fold my hands together. " You look so handsome today" She says running her hands over his arms and circulating him. I smiled in agreement, watching as her hands roamed his body. He abruptly grabbed her wrists.

" Highly inappropriate" He mutters and she still smiled up at me. " We are friends right?" She asks slipping out of his fists. " Well no, you still call me Mr.Min" He says looking to me. I smiled at him shyly.
" Alright Jae Eun, when are we going to go out for a drink? Dinner?" She suggests and I immediately thought it was time for me to step in. " I'll be right back, I'm going to go to the bathroom" With that, I pressed my lips against Jae's lips and held it there for 4 seconds longer than I did usually. I pulled away and turned on my heels. Satisfaction impregnated me as I turned on my heels and walked away bouncing on the balls of my feet.

•.       •. •

Jae's Pov

       " You have disrespected, and dishonored your sir name. You make me sick, you know that? I let go the fact that you were dating that woman, but when you blatantly ignore my wishes, and go against me, I must draw a line Jae Eun!" my father yells at me. I clenched my jaws, so tight that it may crack. I balled my fist. He reaches up and slaps my face, and jerks my head to the right. I snapped my neck back to him, glaring at him.

   " Why on earth would you cancel with The Choi family? Do you know what I had to do just to get their attention? Do you? You fucking bastard" He spat at me. " Mr.Choi wanted me to date his daughter, I already have a girlfriend" I muttered and my father slams his fist on the desk. " You should have dated her god damn it!" He barks so loudly that the veins on his neck bulked, ready to burst at any moment. I closed my eyes tightly, as I squeezed my fist tighter.

   " Business comes first! I don't give a damn about what he wanted you to do. If he wanted you to fuck his daughter, you better fuck his daughter!"

" I am not your slave! I am your son! How can you be so cruel?" I yelled back at him on the top of my lungs. He slaps me again, this time much harder. I taste blood in my mouth, and I smelt it in my nose. I wiped my nose with the back of my hand, and I did in fact bleed through my nose. I spat blood at my father's feet. " You are a worthless man, if I can even call you a man. I'm done with this shit" I say storming out of my father's office.

My father's ambition got in the way of his relationship with own son. He didn't deserve his title as senator. I want everyone to know what a worthless piece of shit my father was. He was awful and worthless. My father was at the top, held way more power than the people's ass he was kissing. I would never let him get in between my relationship with Athena. She means a lot to me. She is my once in a life time. When I am with her there are no boundaries. I am her saving grave as she is mine. Our worlds intersected perfectly. We fit together, and became one. We understand each other. We don't have to worry about anything or anyone, together we become free. Her and I living in a world utterly and completely boundless...

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