Night Died At Sunrise

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The celestial light of the moon trickles down my fingertips, encasing me in it's beautiful yet, solemn radiance.
Within the crescent moons heavenly gaze lies my truest thoughts, this is the skeleton supporting my consciences reflection.
Among the stars in the deep blue sky the lies the dismal fate of my existence.
can I make it through another night without drowning in my dreary confliction
And as the horizon ignites into a raging fire,my heart pounds relentlessly with desire
My consciences reflection turns a shade of scorching amber,
cracks then emerge from the heat
The jagged steaming edges cry glistening crimson droplets, confirming this situation is indeed dire
With this hope dissipates along with the nights peace
Now the moon has drawn its last breath, and the stars have wept themselves to death, there is just me and the sky, not another single being is left.

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