Hot and Cold- Part 3

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"Mr Haruna I have the merger folder for you to review, I have also sent my review to your mail" Jalillah was standing by his office door, dressed in a blue shirt and black suit pants, with a matching turban, Jalillah was finding balance in her new job. She was enjoying it, and it scared her because to her that meant not living her dream.    

"Thanks, Hajiya Jalillah," he said, almost rhyming it.

Haruna Adekunle was a very bright lawyer Jalillah had come to know. He was the head of the legal unit and corporate service at the Barma Corporations, Abuja office. Jalillah noticed him in the first investment unit meeting she attended. He was always sporting a smile on his face and had an easy-going back attitude. His charisma made him a favourite for everyone in the office, and his unassuming nature had everyone calling him AK, short for Adekunle.

Of course, Eki told her about AK and how he was not from the same social class as Mo but the two had become best friends at Birmingham University, UK, where AK had a full scholarship to study Law, while Mo studied BSc Business Management. They were inseparable and had escapades all over England. They only spend the weekends in London at Mo's family home, frequenting all the London clubs and the latest parties and events.

As the head of corporate service, Jalillah had to work with AK on several files, and it was a delight. He has the funniest jokes and is somewhat oblivious to how handsome he is. He always talked about not being fond of Abuja and referred to it as 'boring' with too many Ajebo girls. He jets to Lagos on the slightest opportunity, to visit his family. AK has on several instances, manoeuvred her to lunch, by saying 'Let's discuss this further during lunch if that's fine with you'. Jalillah has obliged him. It was a gladness to escape Eki at lunchtime once in a while.

On one of their work dates, AK asked Jalillah

"So how old are you, I have a bet on it" with a big grin on his boyish face. Jalillah let out a laugh.

"Why do you have a bet on my age?" Jalillah said trying too hard not to be amused.

"You could have asked human resources, and I bet your friend would win the bet. All he has to do is pull my file from the HR, right?" Jalillah was referring to Mo and AK knew that.

"What if I told you my 'friend' was not on this bet, and I wanted to ask you myself not to cheat by going to HR" AK had a persuasive look on his face, she was sure he was in the right profession, and litigation would come naturally for him.

"Well, I'll be 24 in three years" For a moment AK did not catch up on Jalillah's rhetoric when he finally did he flashed the biggest smile and said.

"I see what you did there, and you just cost me big bucks" He sometimes unconsciously mixes a British accent with Nigerian diction, but there was nothing pretentious about AK and he has become her very good friend.

"And what was your guess?" Jalillah asked curiously how old he thought her to be.

"Ahh only if you agree to pay up my lost bucks"

"Who are you paying anyway?" She wanted to know how her age became a betting game, and with whom was betting.

"Okay, It is Mo, and he was concerned I was hanging around with you a little much, and most have indicated you were a bit young for me" Jalillah sensed the AK was narrating a more polite conversation from what his friend had said but did not want to make her uncomfortable.

"So how much are you paying him for losing?" Jalillah asked

"Well I am getting us the Grand Prix tickets in Abu Dhabi next month"

"Sounds typical" Jalillah said not too impressed with both guys.

"You know, I would have bought him the tickets even without the bet, he deserves it. I wanted him to go to the boat show in London, which he loved going to, but he wouldn't. London was a happy place for both of us, but now it has become a derry city for him". For the first time, Jalillah saw AK's face troubled.

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