Blossom heart -Part 16

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"I sent a letter to Mr Labaran's solicitors, proposing an arbitration procedure, instead of going for litigation. In this case, I think it is a better option. If he doesn't agree, then we go to court." AK was telling Mo while they sat in his office.

"If he does not agree, and puts her into any more misery, tell him I will make sure he loses everything he ever owned in court," Mo said with emphasis.

"Everything for hurting her"

AK looked at him with amusement "You have fallen in love with her, right?"

Mo looked at his best friend earnestly and confessed

"I love her," was all he could say, but he thought it insufficient to describe what he felt for Jalillah.

"Does she know?"AK asked

"She does not believe me, I think she hates me"

"Not the girl I have come to know, Jalillah is too kind to hate"

"We met Zoe in France, it was unexpected, and I might have reacted stupidly and said some regrettable words to her. Now she doesn't want anything to do with me"

"You have to show her you love her until you convince her of it. She is worth every bit mate" AK said tapping Mo's shoulder. 

"Thanks, man- for always standing by me"

"You are my brother, and you know what they say about brothers"


Work had piled up for Mo and he needed to be at the office. He was working late but still thought about Jalillah. She still would not pick up his calls, so he decided to send her text messages every morning and at night before he went to bed.

Sometimes just to tell her how his day went, other times, to let her know he loves her and will wait for her. He still carried the regret of treating her badly like a sack on his back. It is true what they say that 'nothing drags heavier than a sack of regrets'.

He sends her flowers every day and personally signs them with 'Forever Yours'

Whenever he goes to see her, she is always in despair, but she is to him, a sparkling star in the sky, and he leaves with the aching feeling of not reaching her. He will not stop trying.

After their wedding, he thought she irritated him when she had started to get to him and broke his self-built defence with her small talks at dinner and how aware he was becoming of her, but now he knows she was rebuilding his heart whole again. He wanted her to come home, but he also wanted her not to lose her childhood home. Mr Labaran has accepted an arbitration proceeding to settle the case once and for all. He will do anything to see her happy again and to keep her happy forever.

It was a Friday and he had less work to attend to after weeks of work and meetings. He was going to see Jalillah after work. He called her number hoping she would answer, but she did not.

On his way to Jalillah's place, he stopped by the florist to pick up fresh flowers for her. He had asked the florist to order pink lilies. The shop was the only one he found with fresh flowers in Abuja and they had a limited choice of flowers available. The florist promised to get him the pink lilies.

"Ahh Mr Barma, we have the pink lilies you ordered, they just came in today."

"Thanks, Madam. I appreciate it. Can I have them wrapped in a box?"

"Certainly Sir"

"Your wife is a very lucky woman"

He smiled as he wrote on the card- Beautiful lilies for beautiful Lilly. Forever Yours Mo He was the lucky one to have Jalillah in his life. Two years ago he swore never to love again, but she changed that. She gave him a chance to love and be truly loved back. His gut tells him Jalillah love him as much as he loves her, but she is angry and grieving. She could not deny her feelings in Paris, and neither could he deny his. They wore their feelings within their eyes and with every touch, he knew they were meant to be together. After Zoe left he gave up, he did not feel a need to fight and get her back, but with Jalillah he was putting everything he had to fight for her, and he prayed silently that he would not lose.

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