Charity work-Part 7

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"Babe I am coming to town!" Biola was screaming into Jalillah ears through the phone.

"I will be spending summer in Nigeria, and I can't wait to see you" She continued through the phone.

"I can't wait to have you around Biola. I really miss you"

Jalillah was always a nurturer to her loved ones, but now more than any time in her life she needed moral support. She found joy in caring for Inna, she kept to all her hospital appointment made sure she was well, and even choose her day to day wears. Biola was always in one conflict or the other with her family members and she Jalillah was always her confiner and adviser. For Deena just being a good friend and a shoulder to lean on was enough. It brought Jalillah joy. To be who she was, the caregiver and her relationship with Emeka has also taken such shape. But she wanted that care now. She felt defeated under her predicament and wanted a support system of her own.

It was mid-July in Abuja, and the raining season had begun. Jalillah drove through the morning rush hours and got to the office just as the sky gave way to heavy rain. She had a lot of work to do and headed strength to her office. Emeka was busy on his laptop with headphones on nodding to the music he was listening to. As soon as he noticed Jalillah coming in, he took it off and smiled, with a wink.

"So I thought it was the lawyer you were hitting it with, now I hear you getting hitched to the Barma guy?" Emeka said with a knowing smile.

"Emeka I have zero energy for you, I have a lot to do"

"But you have to tell me how it happened, how did you go from the lawyer to the boss?"

"I was never with AK and please can you not remind me of how complicated my life is" Jalillah knew Emeka would not let it go, but that was the least of her worries, if Emeka knew about it, it means some of the staff knew about the marriage. The fact that Eki might know was daunting to Jalillah. She remembers vividly Eki telling her about Mo and his failed relationship, and how his mother was going to seek a bride for him. Never in her wildest thought did she think she would be the girl. Eki will ask her endless question, some of which Jalillah had no answers to.


"I know your love for Inna is out of this world Jalillah, but don't you think this is too much compromise? What could be the possible outcome when you marry this man, and how do you see your future with him?" Biola was asking her questions that kept her up late into the night. She wanted to support, but Biola was telling her the reality of her choice.

They were having lunch at their favorite burger spot. Jalillah had missed Biola and had hopefully wished she would tell her things will turn out fine, but she was reminded how blunt Biola was but these questions. She had lost all appetite was staring at her turkey sandwich with disgust.

"Hey babe, am sorry, but I just don't want to see you hurting while trying to please your grandmother." Biola had seen the sadness on Jalillah's face. It was hard for her to hide any emotions, what she felt was plastered all over her face, which made it hard for Jalillah to lie.

"I want you to give a little consideration to what you feel okay"

"But I don't know what I feel Biola. So far I have been driven by responsibility and duty, now I don't know how to go about it."

"You will figure it out, you will, babe, I know you will"

Jalillah knew Biola was trying to calm her, but she had arisen the fear Jalillah had tried to deny from the unset of the proposal. As they all departed, Jalillah thought 'I have to consider me'

She rushed home to change for dinner. The office was hosting a dinner in honor of a retiring director Mr. Kabila. She was getting late and trying to put on some makeup when her phone rang. Frustrated, from the call she dropped her eyeliner and picked the phone, it was Madam, why would she call her by this time. She was well aware of the ongoing preparation by her and Inna, but she was showed no interest and they did not try to push it on her.

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