The Panic-Part 4

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It was the last meeting before the Eid festival break at the office. Everyone was looking forward to the break. Jalillah could not remember being this busy ever before. This time last Eid, she was busy shopping for groceries and buying cloth. This year, all she was looking forward to was sleep and rest. She made a mental note to stop by a local designer dress maker and get a dress for Eid.

"Thank you everyone for putting in your best. We have closed on two deals, but the third can wait after the break. We ask you to take the much needed rest as we still have work to be done" Mo was addressing the members of the investment department. The door opened and Madam walked in. everyone stood up in respect.

"Please seat down all, I came in to personally congratulate you all for a job well done." While Madam was talking, the door opened and it was AK. Jalillah had not realized how much she missed him until she saw his face. His eyes met hers and she gave him the biggest smile she could. The meeting was coming to an end, and they were all moving forward to shake Madam and Mo. When it got to Jalillah's turn, Madam held her hand and asked

"How is your grandmother?"

"She is very well, thank you" Jalillah said with a warm smile.

"You know I wanted to personally thank her for coming the other day. Do drop her number"

"Yes Ma, It was our pleasure to be invited"

"Ms Jalillah" Mo called her

"You dropped this the other day" He brought out a card from his pocket. It was her bank card. she had looked for it all over. She must have dropped it in his card the other night.

"Thank you Sir for everything" Jalillah said with a smile.

AK was walking up to both of them, and gave Mo a very Manly Hug

"It good to have you back mate" Mo said

AK looked both at Jalillah and Mo and said

"I see you too are getting along well" AK said with his usual charm.

"Is good to see you AK" Jalillah said "we missed having you around."

"I cannot believe am saying this, but I missed Abuja more than expected, unfortunately, I will be back to Lagos for the break. My mum is not feeling too well and two of my sisters are getting married soon. So I have to be around for Mumsy"

"I wish her good health, Excuse me please" Jalillah left. She had few things on her desk to clear before closing. Driving back home she thought of Mo. He had replaced her tyres, because the old ones were broken according to the mechanic. She pleaded with the mechanic to tell her the total bill so she could pay, but he refused. Telling her Oga Mohammed has taken care of it. Even though Jalillah felt uncomfortable about it, she thanked Mo none the less. When Jalillah got home, Inna was seating on her usual sofa. Jalillah gave her a hug.

"Lilly your boss just called me"

"Oh yes, she asked for your number this morning, to say thank you."

"She also invited me to her family Sallah dinner" Inna said

"Oh she really likes you Inna, Mo said you reminded him of his grandmother"

"Will you be able to go for it Inna?"

"Yes I will, Rani has gone to Kano and if I stay home I will only be bored."

"Okay Inna"


Dinner at the Barma's was a delight. It was just family and really close friends. The Barma mansion was everything Jalillah had expected from a Mogul's house. The dining room was huge and had twenty seats. The table was a thick see through glass. The plate settings were immaculate, the napkins were all white. The food was top notch, with a wide variety. Mo was absent at the dinner, but Inna was having a wonderful time. Jalillah was glad to see her lively. She was worried about Inna. Her health was stable but she worries too much. Inna had only one goal now for Jalillah to get married. The last time they tried to match her with a boy from Kano. Kaseem was the most entitled, self centered person she has ever encountered. Even though he was older than she was by a couple of years, he was possessive, and controlling. He expected her to change her mobile number, so no one but him could call her. After he indicated that he saw no reason why women should have a career, Jalillah knew it was time to block him.

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