Home- Part 17

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Dr Muneer came into the hospital room while Mo was faced inches away from Jalillah

"I see you are feeling much better"

"Yes Doctor, thanks," Jalillah said

Mo was still holding her hands "Can we go home today"

"I will discharge her today, and as I told you, she needs all the rest and support she can get"

"I assure you, Doctor, she has all the support she needs," Mo said

Dr Muneer turned to Jalillah and said, "You have my number Jalillah, you can get me at any time"

There was an awkward silence in the room before Mo spoke up

"We hopefully will not be needing your number Doctor"

Both men had a strained look on their faces. After a few minutes, they both looked away, while Dr Muneer wrote on her file, Mo still held onto her hand.

Several minutes later, Mo and Jalillah were walking down the hospital corridor, heading to the exit when they met Dr Muneer coming back from his ward rounds.

"Without much acknowledgement to Mo, he said

"Take care of yourself Jalillah"

In the car, Mo asked

"Should I ask why the Doctor dislikes me?"

Jalillah smiled, she had noticed the unfriendly attitude, Dr Muneer gave Mo

"He asked me out once, but I think he just feels like he has to protect me now that Inna is no more"

"Well he should be rest assured you will be taken care of" Searching Jalillah's eyes and taking her hands into his, he kissed them and said "Ready?"

Jalillah nodded


Mo drove into the Barma estate, all the while controlling the steering with one hand holding Jalillah with the other. It was like he was afraid to let go of her. He parked the car and rushed to open the door for her.

Being in Burma's Mansion felt different this time around. She felt wanted. Mo was holding her hand, watching her steps like he was leading a toddler to walk. He led her to his room. She hesitated a bit, before entering his room. She had never been in his room and expected to see a bachelor den, but it was clean and tidy. The furniture was modern and made of dark wood. There were two green side table lamps, which complimented the green curtains, a corner sofa and a large screen facing it. Mo sat her on the bed and left the room. The rug under her feet was so soft it made her want to get off the bed and lay on it.

Mo came back in with a tray of breakfast.

"You should eat some food, take your drugs and get some rest, okay"

Jalillah admitted she was very hungry, she could not remember eating anything for the last two days.

"I know you like your oats and eggs so I asked the chef to make some"

Jalillah ate without hesitation and Mo sat beside her. After a while, he stood up and said he needed a bath and went into the door that Jalillah believed would lead to the bathroom.


In the shower, all Mo could think about was how lucky he was to have Jalillah in his life. He was aware he had to take things slowly with her. She was still hurting from the loss of her grandmother, and although she had agreed to come home with me, he still had to earn her trust. He came out of the shower and into his walk-in closet. He got dressed for work and by the time he came out, Jalillah was curled up in his bed fast asleep. He noticed she had eaten most of her food. He checked to see if she had taken her drugs, which she had. The medication must have knocked her out, he thought. He wrote a note letting her know he had left for work and put it by the side table.

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