Paris- Part 11

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The flight from Abuja was about 7 hours, and Jalillah could not sleep even though they were seated in first class, which had more than enough room. She read a book, watched a movie and sat in silence. Mo was seated beside her, but he slept all through waking up occasionally for food and drinks. He acted like she was a secretary accompanying him. He spoke to her formally and sparsely. When they arrived at the customs gate, the officer asked 'business or pleasure sir?'

"voyage d'affaires," Mo said, in French, without the slightest idea Jalillah understood his answer. Off course they were here for business not pleasure.

Any idea of pleasure for her did not include Mo.

They arrived at La Bristol Paris and were checked in to their room. It was a beautiful suite. She could smell the fresh flowers in the vase placed by the window table. Everything was as Jalillah had imagined. The suite had a living room area, and every detail was taken care of meticulously. It was an airy and the beige coloured theme made it even lighter. It had eighteen-century style furniture, but Jalillah also noted that it had only one bed. What was going to be their sleeping arrangement? Maybe Mo will get another room, and let her have all of this to herself. She looked through the window and she could see a part of the Eifel tower from the small balcony of the suit. It stood still on the horizon and without a doubt, she was glad to be in Paris with or without Mo.

There was a knock on the door.

'Bonjour Madam' the well-dressed man said

"Welcome to La Bristol Paris" He pushed in a tray trolley with exotic fruits, cheese, tea, croissant, macaron and mini cakes.

"Mr and Mrs Barma, My name is Maximos, and I will delightfully be your concierge for your stay" his accent was a cross between French and Arabic, she could not place it. He reminded her of John Leguizamo, the Latino actor in Hollywood movies. He had a warm smile and she liked him already. Maximos was going to come handy when she toured Paris.

"Your tray is alcohol-free and the hotel restaurant also serves halal compliant dishes. Please call me for anything you need"

"Merci beaucoup Maximos.' Jalillah said practising her French with a smile.

Mo walked up to him after whispering what she could not hear to Maximos, he tipped him. Of course, he was booking another room and leaving Jalillah alone.

"I have asked for an extra sofa bed. You can have the bed." Mo turned and said to her.

He picked up his suitcase and put it into the closet. She was going to sleep with Mo in the same room for the first time, and that made her uneasy. She looked at him as he brought out his toiletry bag and walked into the bathroom. Was he going to shower and come out all yet and half-naked while she was in the room? The idea of that sent shiver down her spine. She stood up and left the room. She went down to the hotel lobby to give Mo enough time to get dressed. 35 minutes later, she walked in expecting him fully dressed, but Mo was in his shorts and shirtless. It was 8 degrees outside, but she was suddenly too hot in the room. Mo turned his head to look at her and his muscular body moved. He was sculpted and so ripped, she wondered how many hours he spent in the gym. She looked away embarrassed that Mo caught her looking at him. They definitely needed some kind of arrangement for getting dressed. She could not handle any more of half-naked Mo again.


The first week was full of activities form the summit. They barely rested. There was so much lined up meetings, seminars, lunch and networking. They discussed only work and occasionally had dinner at the hotel restaurant with client and business partners. She made sure she was showered and dressed behind the locked toilet doors before Mo woke up from his sofa bed. There was also the major hurdle of Mo sleeping shirtless. She tried not to look the way of his sofa bed, but sporadically, she woke up at the middle of the night and there he was, without a shirt, sleeping motionless. He looked like a male sculptured statue.

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