Trapped in a mansion- Part 10

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"Why are you not going on a honeymoon?" Mo's mother was quarrelling with them both. It was on a Sunday after everyone had left, she came into their section of the house to say some prayers for them. She was gracious to knock and stayed out until Mo opened the door. After the payers and advice, she asked where we intended to go on a honeymoon. 

"Mother we just halted it for now to some other time," said Mo

"Nonsense, why would you do that?" she said easily, but she could see that Mo was getting unsettled with the inquisition. He was looking at his mother's face carefully considering if she was angry or not. Jalillah saw the genuinely caring he was towards his mother. His relationship with his mother was of love and utter respect, and she understood why he agreed to this marriage.

"I will hold both of you to this, and both of you can't go back to work tomorrow, at least take a week off," Madam said point blank, they could not say otherwise. She was looking forward to resuming work, and now she had to look for what would take her mind off her predicament.


Jalillah slept in her room, while Mo was in another. He came in on her first night to ask if she needed anything. When she said nothing, he left immediately. He did not want to send a wrong message to her she thought, how quick he was in and out of her room.

"I will be in the next room if you need anything." He said before leaving.

It was easy to hide their situation from his mother. She did not invade their privacy or barge in on them. If she wanted to have dinner with them she requested ahead of time. She still felt like a guest in the house and had her unpacked suitcase waiting for her. She looked at it and opened the small one. It was full of jewellery. She put it down and walked into the walk-in closet. It was almost the size of her room at home. How much cloth do people have to need much space? She pushed all the boxes in and closed the door. I will deal with this tomorrow or next. She moved to the balcony attached to her room overlooking a space, which she thought was a shame it was covered in concrete. A garden would look beautiful here. At breakfast the next day she was going to ask Mo if she could take out the concrete and turn it into a garden, which will keep her busy before she resumes work.

"Can I take out the concrete over the balcony and put some plants please?"

Mo looked a bit surprised at breakfast

"That is fine. I will ask the gardeners to take care of it"

"Can they just remove the concrete I will do the rest myself"

With much amusement, Mo asked

"Are you sure about that? The gardeners can do a good job with it"

"If you insist they help I will let them, but I will fully participate also. I have a little garden at home and I miss it a lot"

She missed more than the garden at home. She missed Inna and her room and books, she was so homesick it kept her up at night. She was only glad that Inna was not alone and lonely and had several people to keep her occupied. Some of the guests at her wedding stayed back. She missed Inna so much it hurts. As though it showed on her face Mo said

"We should go greet and thank Inna"

Jalillah broke into a big grin and said "Yes please, thank you"

The visit to Inna was delightful, neighbours and family friends were all around, and Jalillah's room was untouched. She sat in for a bit and took out a few books she had read but loved. She was going to burn the candles with them. Her nights were too lonely so the books would be perfect before she started work in two days. Inna tried to ask questions out of concern, to know how Jalillah was doing so far, but Jalillah gave nothing away. She dissembled her loneliness with smiles and affirmation that all was fine. She was glad to be home and the ride back to Mo's home broke her heart.

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