Unbroken Spirit- Part 8

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She was late for work. So Jalillah rushed through her morning routine. She grabbed her bag and her phone and ran out. Traffic was heavy and she looked at the time on her phone and she saw the missed calls. Mo had left seventeen missed call last night. Her phone was on silence through the night. He must have looked for her after the event to take her back home. She was going to his office to explain. Jalillah walked passed her office and went strength to Mo's office. She could see Mo and AK through the half-opened door, and she could hear them argue.

"You should have called me, mate, Mother was not happy, I was embarrassed and looked stupid, imagine not knowing where she was," Mo said while waving his hand in a description

"She really wanted to go home and I guess you were busy," AK said gently, his hand placed on the desk while he stood in front facing Mo.

"Well, it was still wrong, mate!" Mo raised his voice beyond the AK indicating his annoyance.

"Should I have left her to take a cab? Or what are you saying? I told you I saw her standing out and offered her a ride home. Is there a problem with what I did? She was a bit flustered, I remember" AK tried to explain.

"I am saying if you wanted her then you should have had her before I was saddled with her."

Both men were now visibly angry. They stood looking at one another while seconds passed, then AK moved closer to Mo and looked him to his face

"This is me giving you a chance at love mate, but you are undeserving of her" He turned and walked out almost colliding with Jalillah on his way out. She contemplated going back but Mo had seen her, so she came in and closed the door behind her. He gave her a disdained look and started talking

"We were officially announced engaged, and you arrived at the venue with me, but thought it right to just leave without a word, with my best friend? How were you thinking? You made me look stupid looking for you" Mo said with a cold stare.

"Why are you bothered? He is your best friend right? If you don't trust me, you trust him, don't you? Why are you even bothered? Because of what people might say? or what your mother might think? We all know you don't give a dam about my feelings or that of others."

"That's enough Jalillah!" Mo said flushed with anger over his face.

"I will not take disrespect from you."

"Well I apologize that I missed your calls, but I am not sorry I left. I am certain it took you quite a while to notice I was gone." When he did not answer, she continued to speak gently.

"I am not your charity work Mohammad, as Jay clearly pointed out so you don't get to show me off or commission me at your convenience. I will respect you, and I hope you will accord me the same."

Jalillah was facing Mo and she could see the anger on his face spread to his body. He clenched hard to the pen he was holding and his jaw lines moved slightly while he bit his lower lips with his upper teeth. She sensed he wanted to say something but was restraining himself. She was terrified inside but stood her grounds. Mo dropped the pen he was holding on his desk and turned his back at her, signaling it was time for her to leave his office. She walked out feeling satisfied, but she was not apathetic to the fact that AK and Mo had a fought because of her, and for the first time since she met them, or ever, in their friendship, AK had stood up to Mo. She realized with certainty that AK had liked her, but did not take it further because of his friend. It was madding and she disliked him for thinking she was like a ticket or sort, he was given up to his friend to be happy. For Mo, she disdained him for seeing her as a burden saddled on him by his mother. She hoped he will go to his mother and call off the wedding. It was unlikely, his mother will ever allow for it, but she wished all the madness could stop.

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