Love Lost- Part 12

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She woke up to the smell of coffee and freshly baked pastries. Jalillah though she was dreaming, then she remembered where she was and with whom. She sat on the bed and saw Mo looking out the balcony. When he noticed she was awake, he dropped the coffee cup and walked to her.

Why was he coming to her? She remembered last night so well and could hardly sleep. She used her palms to cover her face as Mo came round to kneel by the bed.

"Good morning," He said

She nodded not wanting him to see her sleeping morning face. He gently put her hands down from her face and said

"Are we talking?"

"Why wouldn't we?" She said, not looking at his face

"Because of last night, maybe I shouldn't have done that"

"I was not offended" and it was the truth, she was not. Jalillah spent a good part of the night replaying what had happened last night with Mo.

"Okay get up for some breakfast we have a hike to catch up with"

"But I don't have hiking shoes"

"I know, I sent for one to be brought up for you, size 38 right, I checked your size from your work shoes"

How was he this thoughtful? There was a fondness growing for Mo in her heart. She wanted to be cautious of fleeted joy form Mo, but could not help what she felt in her heart. After getting ready, there were sport shoes and a matching bag pack for her on the bed.

"You do need to wear a jacket, temperatures can drop low on the mountains."

Mo held a blue outdoor jacket for her. She put her hands through them and was certain it was his. It smelled of his cologne, she was immersed in the warmth and small the jacket provided. It was even more special because it was Mo's, which made her feel close to him.

They rode bicycles on the dusty and rocky path of the red coastal cliff and hiked up to the highest level. The coastal scenery from the top the cliff was breathtaking. They could see a vineyard and on the other side the spread out beach of Saint-Tropez. It was nature at its best, untouched and still in its natural state, with white sands and blue water.

"This is beautiful," She said while they sat on the hill.

"You are beautiful," Mo said.

How does she respond to him? He was leading her heart to him. She had dreamt of travelling and having unbreakable love, she felt all of these at that moment. She turned and smiled at Mo. it was all she could do, but it was time to let him in

"I have never been kissed before yesterday." She said

Mo looked at her with affection. He held her hand and said

"I feel responsible" Turning her to face him when she looked away, and the cold breeze made her close her eyes

"You are so delicate yet so strong you scare me Jalillah"

"You don't look scared"

He gave out a light laugh.

"I respect you Jalillah and you amaze me beyond words. Every time I think I know you, you surprise me more"

He held her head to his broad chest and placed a peck to her head. It sent shivers to her spine. It was a gesture that meant she was not just some fancy to him, but he cherished her. She wanted to stay in his arms forever, but it was time to go down. The temperature was falling low and the hiking crew was getting ready to ride down. He held her through the sloppy walk down and they walked on the beach. She thought about her and Mo and how they came from not talking to being friends getting this close to each other.

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