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Let me know some things you want to see in this book. I'm slowly getting writer's block.

"Y/N Jordan," the nurse called out. I got up and went back as she led me into a room on the right. "Take everything off from the waist down, the doctor will be back soon," she said, walking out of the room.

Michael and I came all the way to Atlanta to have a better doctor do my ultrasounds. We made a temporary move here, so I could go to all of my appointments easily.

I quickly took off my pants and laid down on the table. A few minutes later, Dr. Walters finally came in.

"Good Afternoon, Mrs. Jordan, nice to see you again," she said. "Good Afternoon Doctor Walters," I said.

The door opened and Michael came in. "Sorry about that," I said. "No, It's okay we were just getting started," Doctor Walters said.

"Have you been taking your prenatal vitamins?" she asked. "Yes," I answered.

"You do have two miscarriages on your records, which means you should be taking precautions," she said.

"Limit stress, no alcohol, drugs or smoking, eating a well-balanced diet and limiting caffeine," she said. Michael and I both nodded.

"Any questions?" she asked. "No," Michael and I said in unison. "Okay," she continued.

The lights were turned off and she put the warm gel on my stomach. She started look on the screen until she found the baby.

"There is the baby, in that tiny sac right there," she said pointing towards the little bean on the screen.   

I stared at my baby as their little heartbeat played in the background. It still made me a little emotional.

She looked around a little longer before turning off the machine.

"Looks like baby is all healthy," she smiled. "Would you like the pictures?" she asked. "Yes please," I said.

"Here's a wipe, so you can wipe off the gel, I'll be right back with the pictures," she said while handing me a wipe. She walked out and closed the door behind her.

Michael took the wipe out of my hand and wiped off the gel for me. "Thank you," I told him.

I got up and put my pants back on and Michael helped me put my shoes back on.

"When are you coming back to LA?" Mrs. Jordan asked. "Ma, that's we called to tell you," Michael said. "What's happening? Is everything okay?" she worried.

"Everything is fine Mrs. Jordan," I answered. "It's Mom now, Y/N," she said.

"Well, what's happening?" she asked. "Can you get pops in here too," Michael said.

Mrs. Jordan walked out of the camera view and Mr. Jordan walked in behind her.

"Well, we're not coming back to LA soon because I'm pregnant," I said. "Congrats," Mr. and Mrs. Jordan said.

"How far along are you?" Mrs. Jordan asked. "I'm 5 months now," I said. "Let us know when you're going into labor," Mrs. Jordan said. "I will," I said.

The call ended after Mrs. Jordan and I talked for one more hour.

Michael looked me in the eyes. "I love you," he said. "I love you more," I said.

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