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Today, I'm meeting up with Tati at a restaurant. I'm kind of scared because I haven't seen her in months.

This is also my first time driving since...you know. It didn't take me very long to get there and when I did, Tati was standing at the front.

I got out of the car, locked it and walked up to her. "Hey Tati," I said. "Hey Y/N," she replied.

We gave each other a hug and went inside. "We got seated and waited for our orders to be taken.

"So, what's been up with you?" I asked. "Well, I'm working for Drake now," she said.

"Girl that's great, what'd you do?" I asked. "We met at Michael's party," she said. "And did what?" she wasn't telling me everything.

"Maybe we had sex, but that doesn't matter," she whispered. I didn't even feel like picking at her for it, but it seems that her self worth has gone down.

"So, how are things with Michael?" she asked. "Great, we're going to move back to LA," I said.

"Why did you move to Atlanta?" she asked. "We wanted to move somewhere different, but we don't really like it here," I lied.

I felt like I couldn't trust her with the truth for some reason.

The waiter came and took our order and we were back to talking again.

"Y/N, that night when you told me to tell Steelo how I felt, I did and he said he only wanted to be friends with benefits. We got in an argument after I confessed my love and I told him I was leaving..." she started.

"I wasn't actually going to, but my family called and told me my mom was getting bad. I'm sorry for leaving you without notice.

I figured that I would try to hurt Steelo by going ghost, but I hurt everybody," she finished.

"It's fine Tati, but you took Kyden away from his father, that loves him. And you know that even though your mom lives in New York, you could've shared custody.

But, you decided to think about only you and what benefits you, I missed my best friend," I said.

"Oh, so I think about me for once and it's a problem, you know what Y/N you're just a bitch with a perfect ass life," Tati said.

"I'm perfect, tell me how," I said. "You have a husband that love you, three kids that love you, a nice house, flexibility in your work space, everything that I've wanted," Tati said.

"Yes, I do have all of those things, but I have gone through a lot. I was abused as an 18 year old by a man I thought I loved. I fell off with Michael about three times in our relationship.

And just last month I had a miscarriage that broke me inside," Tears were streaming down my face.

"Tati, I don't understand why you're acting this way, I'm going back home, maybe you'll stop being the bitch," I walked out.


I'm back at home, tending to my husband who has a fever.

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