Christmas Surprise

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"I need sleep tonight," I said. "So do I, I have the twins tomorrow and I have to help setup for my parents Christmas party tomorrow," Michael replied.

"I am nine months pregnant with our child and I can barely do anything except eat and drive," I argued.

"But I take care of the kids all the time!" Michael complained. "Excuse me! No you don't, stop lying!" I yelled.

"Oh, so I'm lying now," Michael scoffed. He got up and quickly walked out the room as the twins were both still balling their eyes out.


"So, you got the twins today for while I take Matthew to his team Christmas party?" I asked Michael. He had the twins in their car seats.

"Yes, I have everything packed and ready to go," he said.

"I'm still upset about last night," I said. "I could say the same," he chuckled and walked off with the twins car seats.

"Matthew we need to go!" I yelled from downstairs . "One second mommy!" he yelled back.

"Can I open gifts?" he asked. "Tomorrow, at grandmas house," I responded.

It took a few minutes, but he came down and I gave him his snacks and we left.


As soon as I dropped Matthew off, I went straight back home to relax for the next two hours before the party.

I did some online shopping and got dressed up for the party. I found myself looking at my belly a lot. I was huge, this baby was ready to come out.

I'm just waiting for him or her to decide when to come out.


"Hey Michael!" my mom said. "Hey mom!" she said. "Where's Y/N?" she asked. "We decided to split the kids up today," I explained.

I knew she wanted to pry a little more, but she directed me to the room I would be decorating.
I put the twins down to play in the living room and started decorating.

I was having fun, putting up decorations when my mom rushed in the room with Isaiah. "He's gasping!" I turned around so fast.

There was a slumped over Isaiah gasping for air. I took him and Mariah, and rushed out the house.


"Okay, Mr. Jordan, everything seems to be okay with Isaiah, although he is measuring a little small for his age," the pediatrician explained.

"Okay, so is he okay?" I asked. "I want to check his heartbeat to make sure everything is okay," she put the stethoscope on his chest and listened.

She listened for a while before taking the stethoscope off. "There is a little bit of a slower beat," she explained.

"So, is it serious?" I asked her. "I am going to recommend you to a doctor for an EKG right now," she walked out of the room.

I picked both of the babies up and kissed them. I always new Isaiah was smaller, he's been like that since he was born.

Doctors always assured us that it was fine. I thought  of telling Y/N, but I left my phone at my moms.


We had been transported to a small emergency room where Isaiah was being monitored.

I still hadn't got a hold of a phone, so I decided to call Y/N on the hospital phone. 

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